World University and School {in a virtual world}
Welcome to World University
which anyone can add to or edit.
The Global, Virtual/Digital, Open, Free, {potentially Degree- and Credit-Granting},
Multilingual University & School
where anyone can teach or take a class or course
World University Sign Up - Free & CC
Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, M.D. & I.B. degrees planned in many large languages and all 242 countries
What's your name? What are your name, email address and when you'd like to begin ...
Here are some main, current, group pages: the WUaS G + https://plus.google.com/u/0/115890623333932577910/posts - and WUaS's G + company page - https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108179352492243955816/108179352492243955816/posts - both of which you can find via my name, Scott MacLeod, at WorldUniversityAndSchool@gmail.com. And here's the WUaS Google Group page - http://groups.google.com/group/World-University-and-School (best accessed in Chrome). Let WUaS know here if you'd like to be on the email list at the email above or here - worldunivandsch@scottmacleod.com. And here are the WUaS groups in LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/groups/World-University-School-4024337 (connected with my LinkedIn page - http://www.linkedin.com/in/scottgkmacleod), as well as in FB - https://www.facebook.com/groups/48753608141/ (which may be archived), and in Academia.edu - http://worlduniversityandschool.academia.edu/ScottMacLeod, and in Twitter - http://twitter.com/WorldUnivandSch. Please join or add them, or create your own WUaS group, as well, for learning and teaching!
Google "World University and School" to visit WUaS. World University & School is a wiki (editable web pages) with open, free teaching and learning content, which is potentially in all languages, nation states, subjects and at all levels. There's kids' teaching and learning content there, too, and all of this content will grow. Its web address is http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University. It's like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware (with 1900 courses online), which all of us can create together. You can teach to your web camera and post this to a video streaming web site like youtube.com (which you'll find here on the FREE Educational Software page at WUaS), or learn from the abundant content already posted to WUaS, as well as add web links to the WUaS wiki. Degree- and credit-granting are planned for some years in the future.
This 'You at World University' is the page where you can orchestrate your education, teaching and learning. It's a budding academic social networking site, like G +, and through it, you will be able to participate in the interactive WUaS community, register for classes, generate your transcript, if you matriculate in the Bachelor's, Ph.D., Law or MD programs, see your grades. It's also one of many places where you can suggest how learning at WUaS can be both more fun and innovative.
Like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course, Ware, WUaS is open and free. Add your name, your avatar's name, or you pseudonym, and an email address, etc., below, to find your way into the worldwide, all languages and countries, WUaS community.
With friendly greetings, Scott http://scottmacleod.com
You at World University[]
- World University and School's Google Group and Google + will be central to 'You at World University ... http://groups.google.com/group/World-University-and-School
- Create your own web page here, with information about what you know, would like to teach, and would like to learn.
- Add a link to a page on your own web site or Facebook page about what you know or want to know.
- World University & School Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=48753608141.
- If you want to add your contact information for further communication, feel free to add an anonymous avatar's name and email address.
Name | Avatar's Name | Web Site | Blog | Facebook page | Twitter page | CV? | Other page | Other page | Location | Languages | Courses Taught | Courses Taken | WUaS Number | Status update | labels | |
Scott MacLeod | Aphilo Avatar in Second Life | scott@scottmacleod.com | http://scottmacleod.com | http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/ | http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=824130561 | twitter: scottmacleod | Canyon, California | English, German | Information Technology and Society | Introduction to Ancient Greece | 000,000,000,100 | Finding the internet a creative space | ||||
Overall class list Template:Vbar Group A Template:Vbar Group B Template:Vbar Group C Template:Vbar Group D Template:Vbar Group E Template:Vbar Group F Template:Vbar Group G |
| 1
| Shaun
| Vogels
| align="center" | A
| M
| St Andrews College Marayong NSW
| Teacher
| width="12%" | File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| width="13%" | My contributions
| width="5%" | Special:Editcount/Boomdiyada (13)
| 2
| Tero
| Toivanen
| align="center" | A
| M
| Kilonpuisto School
| Special Education Teacher
| File:Flag of Finland.svg Finland
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Teromakotero (354)
| 3
| Rory
| McGreal
| align="center" | A
| M
| Athabasca University
| Assoc. VP Research
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/RoryMcGreal
| 4
| Maria
| Chow
| align="center" | A
| F
| Ministry of Education
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Maria
| 5
| Lynne
| Chapman
| align="center" | A
| F
| University of New England
| Educational Developer
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Lchapman
| 6
| Dr.MK
| Sharma
| align="center" | A
| M
| Amrapali Institute, Haldwani, Uttarakhand
| Associate Professor
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/drmksharma (83)
| 7
| Joanna
| Barclay
| align="center" | A
| F
| Intersol Group
| Management Consultant
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Joannabarclay
| 8
| Wanda
| Jackson
| align="center" | A
| F
| Massey University
| Academic Development Consultant
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Wanda
| 9
| Tehmina
| Gladman
| align="center" | A
| F
| Massey University
| Academic Developer
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Tbgladman
| 10
| Raewyn
| MacCormick
| align="center" | A
| F
| Diocesan School
| Admissions Director/Mathematics Teacher
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/rmaccormick
| 11
| Gene
| Loeb
| align="center" | A
| M
| Center for Technology and Mental Health of Elderly
| Director
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/geneloeb
| 12
| Gabrielle
| Ashton
| align="center" | A
| F
| Diocesan School for Girls
| TIC Resistant Materials Technology
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/gabrielle nona
| 13
| Mary
| Astorino
| align="center" | A
| F
| Instructional Technology Consultant / Instructor
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Astorino
| 14
| Barbara
| Deodat
| align="center" | A
| F
| IDCE, University of Guyana
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of Guyana.svg Guyana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Barbaradeodat (47)
| 15
| Suram
| RajaRao
| align="center" | A
| M
| Indira Gandhi National Open University
| Regional Director
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Srajarao (19)
| 16
| Kalpana
| Gupte
| align="center" | A
| F
| Indira Gandhi National Open University
| Deputy Director
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Kalpanagupte (252)
| 17
| Francis
| Glasgow
| align="center" | A
| M
| IDCE, University of Guyana
| Deputy Director
| File:Flag of Guyana.svg Guyana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Glasgow
| 18
| Murray
| Greenidge
| align="center" | A
| M
| IDCE, University of Guyana
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of Guyana.svg Guyana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Greenidge
| 19
| George
| Headley
| align="center" | A
| M
| IDCE, University of Guyana
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of Guyana.svg Guyana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Georgeh
| 20
| Marty
| Daniel
| align="center" | A
| F
| Houston Independent School District
| Ed Tech Specialist
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/mdaniel
| 21
| Sara
| Downs
| align="center" | A
| F
| Part-time lecturer
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/uberlinguist
| 22
| Chris
| Ainsworth
| align="center" | A
| M
| Executive Officer
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/cainsworth
| 23
| Amanda
| Coolidge
| align="center" | A
| F
| Royal Roads University
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/amandacoolidge
| 24
| Larissa
| Buchholz
| align="center" | A
| F
| Learn to Read, Inc.
| Student Success Coordinator
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Lbuchholz
| 25
| Jun
| Asis
| align="center" | A
| M
| Philippine e-Learning Society
| Member
| File:Flag of Philippines.svg Philippines
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/junasis
| 26
| Jim
| Huether
| align="center" | A
| M
| Foothill College
| Project Manager / Course Administrator
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/jimih2010
| 27
| Bee
| Tan
| align="center" | A
| F
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/tanbh
| 28
| Nanfuka
| Erina
| align="center" | A
| F
| Gayaza High School
| Education officer
| File:Flag of Uganda.svg Uganda
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Nanfuka (360)
| 29
| Amanda
| Healey-Browne
| align="center" | A
| F
| BPP Business School
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of United Kingdom.svg UK
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/amandahe
| 30
| Veda
| Deshpande
| align="center" | A
| F
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Veda
| 31
| Elaine
| Garofoli
| align="center" | A
| F
| Suffolk University
| Academic Learning Technologist
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/egarofoli
| 32
| Mary Lynn
| Manton
| align="center" | A
| F
| Seneca College
| Coordinator, Informatics & Security Degree Program
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Mary-lynn.manton
| 33
| Victoria
| Imron
| align="center" | A
| F
| Utrecht University
| Master Student
| File:Flag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Vicka
| 34
| Klaus
| Reich
| align="center" | A
| M
| University of Innsbruck
| File:Flag of Austria.svg Austria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/klausr
| 35
| Cindy
| Ives
| align="center" | A
| F
| Athabasca University
| Director, Centre for Learning Design and Development
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Cindy Ives
| 36
| Paul
| Laplante
| align="center" | A
| M
| English Montreal School Board
| Pedagogical Consultant
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/plep
| 37
| Jairo Alberto
| Galindo Cuesta
| align="center" | A
| M
| File:Flag of Colombia.svg Colombia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/indudable
| 38
| Dennis
| Maloney
| align="center" | A
| M
| Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral
| Professor
| File:Flag of Ecuador.svg Ecuador
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Dmaloney9
| 39
| Louise
| Ratliff
| align="center" | A
| F
| University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Library
| Social Sciences Catalog Librarian
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/lratliff
| 40
| Susannah
| Brown
| align="center" | A
| F
| Wesley Institute
| Ed Tech Coord
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Tishboom
| 41
| Shijo
| KD
| align="center" | A
| M
| Jamnabai Narsee School,EUMIND
| Teacher, Project Coordinator, Teacher Trainer, Webmaster>
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Kdshijo (312)
| 42
| Asawari
| Bhave
| align="center" | A
| F
| Pillai's College of Education & Research, Chembur, Mumbai
| Assistant Professor
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/asawaribhave
| 43
| Prasanna
| Kelkar
| align="center" | A
| M
| St.Peter's School, Panchgani
| System Admin (ICT Department), Webmaster, Teacher Trainer, e-Journal Trainer
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Prasanna
| 44
| Vaishali
| Hinge
| align="center" | A
| F
| KK college of education, Mumbai
| Student
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/vaishali (533)
| 45
| Louis
| King
| align="center" | A
| M
| Yale University
| Digital Information Architect
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/leking
| 46
| Marcia Owens
| Kloepper
| align="center" | A
| F
| Auburn University
| Spec V, Info Tech
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/kloepmo
| 47
| Rebecca
| Andre
| align="center" | A
| F
| Lynn University
| Director Instructional Technology
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/beckandre
| 48
| Wendy
| Sweatt
| align="center" | A
| F
| Jefferson State Community College
| Clinical Coordinator
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/wsweatt
| 49
| Bob
| Rashid
| align="center" | A
| M
| College of Dentistry, The Ohio State University
| Professor - Clinical
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/bobrashid
| 50
| Elaine
| Gustus
| align="center" | A
| F
| Penn State University
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/elainegustus
No. | First Name |
Surname |
Group |
Gender |
Organisation |
Title / Position |
Country |
email |
Contributions |
Edit Count (Approximate) |
Overall class list Template:Vbar Group A Template:Vbar Group B Template:Vbar Group C Template:Vbar Group D Template:Vbar Group E Template:Vbar Group F Template:Vbar Group G |
| 51
| Ken
| Matthias
| align="center" | B
| M
| The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine
| Educational Delivery Specialist
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/kenmatthias
| 52
| Leslie
| Lewis
| align="center" | B
| F
| UC San Diego / Miracosta College
| Lecturer / Associate Faculty
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/lrlewis
| 53
| Elaine
| Coates
| align="center" | B
| F
| Loyola Marymount University
| Instructional Technology Analyst
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Ecoates
| 54
| Laxmi Narayan
| Yadav
| align="center" | B
| M
| Govt. College Tigaon
| Asst. Prof. Economics
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Luxminy (942)
| 55
| Connie
| Shimek
| align="center" | B
| F
| Entelchy, Inc.
| Performance Consultant
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/cjsbrand
| 56
| Pam
| Anderson
| align="center" | B
| F
| Houston ISD
| Technology Teacher
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/panders4
| 57
| Ibrahim
| Oyekanmi
| align="center" | B
| M
| Mallamibro Information Technology Academy, Kano
| CEO / Head Instructor
| File:Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Mallamibro (151)
| 58
| Valerie
| Bross
| align="center" | B
| F
| UCLA Library
| Continuing Resources Cataloger
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Vbross
| 59
| Mourad
| Chirchi
| align="center" | B
| M
| Cegep@distance
| Education counsellor
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/mourad
| 60
| Kheuangkham
| Phothisan
| align="center" | B
| M
| National University of Laos
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of Laos.svg Laos
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Kheuangkham
| 61
| Dora
| Nerantzaki
| align="center" | B
| F
| Primary School
| English Teacher
| File:Flag of Greece.svg Greece
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/dorothy369
| 62
| Claire
| Buist
| align="center" | B
| F
| St Clair School
| AP / Teacher
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Clairbee (155)
| 63
| Andrew
| Johnson
| align="center" | B
| M
| Mira Costa College
| Teacher
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/yauncy22
| 64
| Judy
| Buchanan
| align="center" | B
| F
| University of new Brunswick Saint John
| Coordinator, Teaching @ Learning Centre
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/jbuchan
| 65
| Angela
| Scarsbrook
| align="center" | B
| F
| Hillcrest Normal School
| IT Manager
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/AScarsbrook
| 66
| Hien
| Nguyen
| align="center" | B
| F
| Library of Congress
| Librarian
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Hien
| 67
| Linda
| Herbert
| align="center" | B
| F
| Roseville College
| Teacher
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/lherbert
| 68
| Kevin
| Brennan
| align="center" | B
| M
| eLearning Advisor
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/musicforparties
| 69
| Julia
| Weiersmuller
| align="center" | B
| F
| Kedgley Intermediate School
| ICT coordinator
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/jjulia
| 70
| Satarupa
| Das Majumder
| align="center" | B
| F
| Sanlaap
| Faculty
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/satarupa
| 71
| Isswar
| Jheengut
| align="center" | B
| M
| Mauritius College of the Air
| Officer-in-Charge
| File:Flag of Mauritius.svg Mauritius
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/I.Jheengut (532)
| 72
| Lynette
| Nagel
| align="center" | B
| F
| University of Pretoria
| Instructional designer
| File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Lynette.nagel
| 73
| Cynthia
| D'Costa
| align="center" | B
| F
| Pushpanjali College of Education, Vasai, Maharashtra
| Asst Professor
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Agnes (678)
| 74
| Ruchi
| Miglani
| align="center" | B
| F
| Education Officer
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/ruchi
| 75
| Michele
| van Wyk
| align="center" | B
| F
| University of South Africa
| Education consultant
| File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Michele van Wyk
| 76
| Chris
| Dillon
| align="center" | B
| M
| Putaruru College
| Technology Teacher
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/onemouse
| 77
| Preggy
| Reddy
| align="center" | B
| F
| Durban University of Technology
| Specialist Computer Technician
| File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/preggyr
| 78
| Sarah
| Hall
| align="center" | B
| F
| Staffordshire University
| Librarian
| File:Flag of United Kingdom.svg UK
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/sarah hall
| 79
| Guruprem
| Saginadham
| align="center" | B
| M
| Student
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/zuruprem
| 80
| Sue
| Davis
| align="center" | B
| F
| New Brunswick Community Collge
| Instructor
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/suedavis
| 81
| Badamasi
| Tarda
| align="center" | B
| M
| Broad Visions Learning Centre
| Executive Director
| File:Flag of Nigeria1.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/badamasi
| 82
| Felix Kayode
| Olakulehin
| align="center" | B
| M
| National Open University of Nigeria
| Research Fellow
| File:Flag of Nigeria1.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/felixkayman (80)
| 83
| Jenni
| Wright
| align="center" | B
| F
| EQAdelaide
| Owner
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/jenniwright
| 84
| Pushpa
| Musale
| align="center" | B
| F
| IIE Pune
| Teacher (Kindergarten)
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Pushpalata
| 85
| Ranjith
| Suriyakula
| align="center" | B
| M
| Freelance Consultant
| Online Tutor
| File:Flag of Sri Lanka.svg Sri Lanka
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/RanjithSuriyakula
| 86
| Maria Rosario
| Di Mónaco
| align="center" | B
| F
| Instituto Oxford Rosario
| Director/Teacher
| File:Flag of Argentina.svg Argentina
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Marydimonaco
| 87
| Sigi
| Jottkandt
| align="center" | B
| F
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/sigij
| 88
| Rishabh
| Mehta
| align="center" | B
| M
| Infosys
| Consultant
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Mrrishabhmehta
| 89
| Attila
| Paksi
| align="center" | B
| M
| Teacher
| File:Flag of Hungary.svg Hungary
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/attilapaksi
| 90
| Anura
| Jayalal Damphalage
| align="center" | B
| M
| National Institue of Education
| Chief Project Officer
| File:Flag of Sri Lanka.svg Sri Lanka
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/anurajayalal
| 91
| Gabi
| Gabi Witthaus
| align="center" | B
| F
| University of Leicester
| Teaching Fellow
| File:Flag of United Kingdom.svg UK
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/witthaus
| 92
| Madhav
| Palshikar
| align="center" | B
| M
| Assistant Professor
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Madhav
| 93
| Kuteesa
| Joy
| align="center" | B
| F
| Ministry of Education
| Education Officer
| File:Flag of Uganda.svg Uganda
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Kuteesa
| 94
| Stephen
| Kigundu
| align="center" | B
| M
| Walter Sisulu University
| e-learning specialist
| File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/kigundus
| 95
| Puleng
| Motshoane
| align="center" | B
| F
| University of Pretoria
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Pulengm
| 96
| Annemarie
| Bates
| align="center" | B
| F
| University of South Africa
| Education consultant
| File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/ABates
| 97
| Nomvuyiso
| Cetywayo
| align="center" | B
| F
| University of Pretoria
| Project Manager (E-learning)
| File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/cetywayo
| 98
| Jacky
| Rammupudu
| align="center" | B
| F
| University of Pretoria
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Manyaku
| 99
| Jaypaul
| Reddy
| align="center" | B
| M
| Aegis Tech Ltd
| Sr Consultant - Information Security
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/jaypaul
| 100
| Makgongoana Henry
| Monyela
| align="center" | B
| M
| University of South Africa
| Education Consultant / Curriculum and Learning Developer
| File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/hmonyela
No. | First Name |
Surname |
Group | Gender |
Organisation |
Title / Position |
Country |
email |
Contributions |
Edit Count (Approximate) |
Overall class list Template:Vbar Group A Template:Vbar Group B Template:Vbar Group C Template:Vbar Group D Template:Vbar Group E Template:Vbar Group F Template:Vbar Group G |
| 101
| Mary
| Nunaley
| align="center" | C
| F
| Volunteer State Community College
| Instructional Designer / Associate Professor
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/MaryNunaley
| 102
| Laura
| Little
| align="center" | C
| F
| Laureate Education
| Course Developer
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/LauraLittle
| 103
| Jane
| Dougan
| align="center" | C
| F
| NSU Oceanographic Center
| Coordinator of Distance Learning
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/douganj
| 104
| Bruna
| Ori
| align="center" | C
| F
| College of Lake County
| Instructor
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/lily8usa (86)
| 105
| Jan
| Schipper
| align="center" | C
| F
| Associate Professor
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/jschipper
| 106
| Daphine
| Washington
| align="center" | C
| F
| University of South Florida
| Instructor
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Dwashing
| 107
| Laura
| MacNeil
| align="center" | C
| F
| Programme for Adolescent Mothers
| Volunteer Teacher
| File:Flag of Grenada.svg Grenada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/pulsecreative
| 108
| Cheryl
| Todd
| align="center" | C
| F
| Meredith College
| Campus Computing Specialist
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/toddcher
| 109
| Jacqui
| Clayton
| align="center" | C
| F
| Roseville College
| IT teacher
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/misjac
| 110
| Grace
| Lin
| align="center" | C
| F
| University of Hawaii at Manoa
| Assistant Professor
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/gmflin
| 111
| Annette
| Huang
| align="center" | C
| F
| South Pacific College of Natural Therapies
| Librarian
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/annetteh
| 112
| Michael
| Verhaart
| align="center" | C
| M
| EIT Hawkes Bay
| Principal Lecturer IT
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Mverhaart (17)
| 113
| John
| Wilson
| align="center" | C
| M
| Stevenson College
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of United Kingdom.svg UK
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Littlejohn
| 114
| Jenni
| Hallett
| align="center" | C
| F
| Homeschooler
| Teacher
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/mandyjo123
| 115
| Jenni
| Hallett
| align="center" | C
| F
| Roseville College
| Science Teacher
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/jhallett
| 116
| Tabisa
| Mayisela
| align="center" | C
| F
| Walter Sisulu University
| E-Learning Specialist
| File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/tsabalele
| 117
| Mamun Azam
| Barbhuiya
| align="center" | C
| M
| Dhing College
| Sr. Lecturer
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/mamun (297)
| 118
| Sharon
| Butler
| align="center" | C
| F
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/sstbutler
| 119
| Nancy
| Slaughter
| align="center" | C
| F
| Volunteer State Community College
| Associate Professor of Music
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/nancyslaughter
| 120
| Clement
| Swarnappa
| align="center" | C
| M
| Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Clement.sudhakar
| 121
| Michelle
| Watt
| align="center" | C
| F
| Otago Polytechnic
| Administrator
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Michellew2k
| 122
| Betsy
| Lyon
| align="center" | C
| F
| Charles Sturt University
| RA
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Blyon
| 123
| Ashfaque
| Chowdhury
| align="center" | C
| M
| CQUniversity
| Lecturer in Process Engineering
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/ashfaque
| 124
| Caryl-Louise
| Robinson
| align="center" | C
| F
| Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
| Centre Manager, Workplace Learning
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/ChaCha
| 125
| Olugbenga
| Ojo
| align="center" | C
| M
| National Open University of Nigeria
| Counselling Psychologist
| File:Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Olugbenga.Ojo
| 126
| Łukasz
| Kołodziejczyk
| align="center" | C
| M
| University of Warsaw
| Student
| File:Flag of Poland.svg Poland
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Luk.kolodziejczyk
| 127
| Adam
| Blake
| align="center" | C
| M
| University of Auckland
| Learning Designer/Senior Tutor
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Ablake88
| 128
| Karolina
| Grodecka
| align="center" | C
| F
| Centre of e-Learning and Coalition for Open Education
| MA / e-learning specialist
| File:Flag of Poland.svg Poland
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Karolina
| 129
| Elizabeth
| Towns
| align="center" | C
| F
| Diocesan School for Girls
| Teacher
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Etowns
| 130
| Dave
| Bradley
| align="center" | C
| M
| NMIT--Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE
| Faculty Librarian
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Davidbradley
| 131
| Tim
| Harford
| align="center" | C
| M
| WEGC--Wellington East Girls College
| ICT Teacher
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Tharford
| 132
| Bruce
| Huddleson
| align="center" | C
| M
| Southeastern Community College
| Coordinator of Instructional Technology
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Bhuddles
| 133
| Trish
| Andrews
| align="center" | C
| F
| DEHub The University of New England
| Senior Research Fellow
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Pandrew8 (16)
| 134
| Richard
| Kyakoonye
| align="center" | C
| M
| Gayaza High School
| Education Officer
| File:Flag of Uganda.svg Uganda
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Kyaks (178)
| 135
| Elizabeth
| Kuteesa
| align="center" | C
| F
| Gayaza High School
| Education Officer
| File:Flag of Uganda.svg Uganda
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Kuteesa elizabeth (11)
| 136
| Reetuparna
| Ganguly
| align="center" | C
| F
| Teacher
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Reetuparnaganguly
| 137
| Deus
| Kasanya
| align="center" | C
| M
| Masulita S.S.
| Teacher
| File:Flag of Uganda.svg Uganda
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Seruwu (92)
| 138
| Nisha
| Singh
| align="center" | C
| F
| Programme officer
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Nisha singh (74)
| 139
| Cheryle
| McGlothlin
| align="center" | C
| F
| Edcuational Service Center of Central Ohio
| Educational Technology Consultant
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/deemcg
| 140
| Bhavya
| Mayya
| align="center" | C
| F
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/bhavya.mayya
| 141
| Grace
| Omoni
| align="center" | C
| F
| School of Nursing Sciences, University of Nairobi
| Senior Lecturer
| File:Flag of Kenya.svg Kenya
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/omonigrace
| 142
| Pardeep
| Kumar
| align="center" | C
| M
| Department of Education-MIT-Rishikesh-UK
| Senior Lecturer
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/pardeepedu 1
| 143
| Claudio
| Sturla
| align="center" | C
| M
| Univeridad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora
| Profesor
| File:Flag of Argentina.svg Argentina
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Claudio47
| 144
| Alanieta
| Lesuma-Fatiaki
| align="center" | C
| F
| University of the South Pacific
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of Fiji.svg Fiji
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Ala
| 145
| Abdul
| Khadar
| align="center" | C
| M
| Education
| Higher Secondary School Teacher
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Khrachss (90)
| 146
| Austin
| Bond
| align="center" | C
| M
| Curtin University
| Ph.D student
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/austin.bond
| 147
| Brian
| Stewart
| align="center" | C
| M
| Athabasca University
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/brians
| 148
| Rokosiga
| Morrison
| align="center" | C
| F
| University of the South Pacific
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of Fiji.svg Fiji
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Shaniah
| 149
| Mabel
| Bothasitse
| align="center" | C
| F
| Botswana College of Open and Distance Education -BOCODOL
| Research Coodinator
| File:Flag of Botswana.svg Botswana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Mab
| 150
| Alastair
| Smart
| align="center" | C
| M
| UFS, Bloemfontein. South Africa
| ID
| File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/smarta
No. | First Name |
Surname |
Group | Gender |
Organisation |
Title / Position |
Country |
email |
Contributions |
Edit Count (Approximate) |
Overall class list Template:Vbar Group A Template:Vbar Group B Template:Vbar Group C Template:Vbar Group D Template:Vbar Group E Template:Vbar Group F Template:Vbar Group G |
| 151
| Kizito
| Mugaga
| align="center" | D
| M
| St Joseph of Nazareth High school
| Head of Biology Department
| File:Flag of Uganda.svg Uganda
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/kizitomgaga (59)
| 152
| John
| Tudor
| align="center" | D
| M
| Retired
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/JackHenry
| 153
| Rowena
| Shurn
| align="center" | D
| Teacher
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/rowena.shurn
| 154
| Henriette
| Carle
| align="center" | D
| F
| Landesmedienzentrum Baden-Württemberg
| Online-Publisher
| File:Flag of Germany.svg Germany
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/henni
| 155
| Michael
| Schaller
| align="center" | D
| M
| File:Flag of Germany.svg Germany
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/sonic
| 156
| Haraprasad
| Nanjundappa
| align="center" | D
| M
| Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering
| Assistant Professor
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/haraprasad
| 157
| Abby
| Bookhultz
| align="center" | D
| F
| Prince George
| Science Resource Teacher
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/hostagirl
| 158
| Anne
| France
| align="center" | D
| F
| Senior Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Annekfrance
| 159
| Glenna
| Emel
| align="center" | D
| F
| Penn State University
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/gjemel
| 160
| Álvaro
| Ricárdez Scheremberg
| align="center" | D
| M
| Instituto Carlos Gracida
| Teacher
| File:Flag of Mexico.svg Mexico
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/zapoteco
| 161
| Scott
| MacLeod
| align="center" | D
| M
| World University and School
| Founder / President
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/scottmacleod
| 162
| Bahati
| Mbilinyi
| align="center" | D
| F
| The Open University of Dar es Salaam
| Assistant Lecturer
| File:Flag of Tanzania.svg Tanzania
| email1 email2
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Bmbilinyi
| 163
| Tayo
| Olowola
| align="center" | D
| F
| National Open University of Nigeria
| Deputy Registrar (Staff Training & Development)
| File:Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Tayolowola
| 164
| Kassimu
| Nihuka
| align="center" | D
| M
| Open University of Tanzania
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of Tanzania.svg Tanzania
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Nihuka2003
| 165
| Eunice Abimbola
| Adegbola
| align="center" | D
| F
| National Open University of Nigeria
| Course coordinator
| File:Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Adegbolar
| 166
| Tracy
| Walker
| align="center" | D
| F
| Business Development Director
| File:Flag of United Kingdom.svg UK
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Tl-walker
| 167
| Cathie
| Loesing
| align="center" | D
| F
| eMINTS National Center
| Program Coordinator
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Loesingcs
| 168
| Laurent
| Chignier
| align="center" | D
| M
| File:Flag of France.svg France
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Lolodiskoalive
| 169
| Mauro
| Rego
| align="center" | D
| M
| Köln International School of Design
| Student
| File:Flag of Germany.svg Germany
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Mauroalex
| 170
| Vera
| S.Santos
| align="center" | D
| F
| Teacher of English/Social Media enthusiast
| File:Flag of Brazil.svg Brazil
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Verassantos
| 171
| Stephanie
| Day
| align="center" | D
| F
| Student
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Hesperidesnz
| 172
| Winfrida
| Malingumu
| align="center" | D
| F
| The Open University of Tanzania
| Assistant Lecturer
| File:Flag of Tanzania.svg Tanzania
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Winfrida
| 173
| Seema
| Agnihotri
| align="center" | D
| F
| ICFAI University, Dehradun
| Assistant Professor
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/river
| 174
| Anare
| Tuitoga
| align="center" | D
| M
| University of the South Pacific
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of Fiji.svg Fiji
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Anare Tuitoga
| 175
| Apao
| Solomone
| align="center" | D
| M
| Ministry of Education
| Principal Education Officer
| File:Flag of Fiji.svg Fiji
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Apao.solomone
| 176
| Patty
| Nordstrom
| align="center" | D
| F
| Penn State
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Pxn105
| 177
| Javier
| Elizondo
| align="center" | D
| M
| Communications Director
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Andamaxey
| 178
| Martin
| Buck
| align="center" | D
| M
| Camosun College
| Instructor
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Lwebs (282)
| 179
| Vilimaka
| Foliaki
| align="center" | D
| M
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of Fiji.svg Fiji
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Vilimaka (195)
| 180
| Tevita
| Jitoko
| align="center" | D
| M
| University of the South Pacific
| Education Technologist
| File:Flag of Fiji.svg Fiji
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Jitoko t
| 181
| Tracie
| Heaton
| align="center" | D
| F
| Education Queensland
| Teacher
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Tracieh
| 182
| Tomasi
| Cabebula
| align="center" | D
| M
| University of the South Pacific
| Education Technologist
| File:Flag of Fiji.svg Fiji
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/cabebula t
| 183
| John
| Milne
| align="center" | D
| M
| Massey University
| Project officer
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Jdmilne
| 184
| Mythili
| G
| align="center" | D
| F
| Indira Gandhi National Open University
| Sr.Analyst
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/ Gmythili (31)
| 185
| Samuel
| Awolumate
| align="center" | D
| M
| National Open University of Nigeria
| Course Coordinator
| File:Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Awolumate
| 186
| Emeka
| Anazia
| align="center" | D
| M
| Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria
| Head, Learning and Development
| File:Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/emekaanazia
| 187
| Noah
| Oduntan
| align="center" | D
| M
| National Open University of Nigeria
| Technical Officer
| File:Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Noodol069
| 188
| Ugo
| Osisiogu
| align="center" | D
| M
| Ebonyi State University
| Professor
| File:Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Uaosisiogu
| 189
| Edward
| Nkonde
| align="center" | D
| M
| Copperbelt University
| University Lecturer / Materials Designer
| File:Flag of Zambia.svg Zambia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Enkonde
| 190
| Bill
| McMullen
| align="center" | D
| M
| Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
| Coordinator, Online Learning Development
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/bmcmulle
| 191
| Joseph
| Olusanya
| align="center" | D
| M
| Tai Solarin Univerity of Education
| Professor
| File:Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Olusanya
| 192
| David
| Elaturoti
| align="center" | D
| M
| University of Ibadan
| Professor
| File:Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Davidelaturoti
| 193
| Bashir
| Abbas
| align="center" | D
| M
| Taraba State University, Jalingo
| Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)
| File:Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Yerima
| 194
| Louise
| Vakamocea
| align="center" | D
| F
| Team Leader
| File:Flag of Fiji.svg Fiji
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/LVakamocea
| 195
| Susan
| C
| align="center" | D
| F
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Suec
| 196
| Deb
| Stewart
| align="center" | D
| F
| IT Hawkes Bay
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Debznz
| 197
| Alicia
| Zikan
| align="center" | D
| F
| University of New England
| Project Officer
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Aliciazikan
| 198
| Sudheesh
| T.S
| align="center" | D
| M
| Government
| Assistant
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Sudheesh
| 199
| Veda
| Deshpande
| align="center" | D
| F
| eB.Ed
| Student
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Veda
| 200
| Robyn
| Terrey
| align="center" | D
| F
| SIL Australia - EQUIP Training
| teaching Faculty
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/RobTer
No. | First Name |
Surname |
Group | Gender |
Organisation |
Title / Position |
Country |
email |
Contributions |
Edit Count (Approximate) |
Overall class list Template:Vbar Group A Template:Vbar Group B Template:Vbar Group C Template:Vbar Group D Template:Vbar Group E Template:Vbar Group F Template:Vbar Group G |
| 201
| John
| Capper
| align="center" | E
| M
| Tabor College Victoria
| Dean
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Johncapper
| 202
| Peter
| Olayiwola
| align="center" | E
| M
| Distance Learning Institute, University of Lagos
| Lecturer/ Consultant Management
| File:Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/peter olayiwola
| 203
| Johan
| Hendrikz
| align="center" | E
| M
| Unit for Distance Education, Faculty of Education, University of Pretoria
| Manager
| File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Jhendrik
| 204
| Peter
| Olayiwola
| align="center" | E
| M
| Distance Learning Institute University of Lagos
| Lecturer / Consultant
| File:Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Peter olayiwola
| 205
| Joan
| Butler
| align="center" | E
| F
| Memorial University
| Senior Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/jbutlerca
| 206
| Ajaiyeoba
| Edith
| align="center" | E
| F
| Distance Learning Centre, University of Ibadan
| Professor / Deputy Director
| File:Flag of Nigeria.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Edajaiye
| 207
| Asha
| Noel
| align="center" | E
| F
| Ministry of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education
| Education Specialist
| File:Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg Trinidad and Tobago
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/ATNoel
| 208
| Kirungi
| Ruteganya
| align="center" | E
| M
| Tanzania Training Centre for International Health
| Business / IT Manager
| File:Flag of Tanzania.svg Tanzania
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/MTANZANIAONE
| 209
| Aniruddha
| Khedkar
| align="center" | E
| M
| Helper
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Pandu
| 210
| Gerard
| Ahee
| align="center" | E
| M
| Ministry of Science Technology & Tertiary Education
| Project Officer
| File:Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg Trinidad and Tobago
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Aheett
| 211
| Rwagasana
| Gerard
| align="center" | E
| M
| ICTEDU Learning Centre
| Director
| File:Flag of Rwanda.svg Rwanda
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Rwagasana (72)
| 212
| Ruta
| Neemia
| align="center" | E
| F
| Samoa Ministry of Education Sports and Culture
| Multimedia and Broadcasting Officer
| File:Flag of Samoa.svg Samoa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Ruta Neemia
| 213
| Inipene
| Tusani Reti Simanu
| align="center" | E
| F
| Samoa Ministry of Education Sports and Culture
| Senior Broadcasting Officer
| File:Flag of Samoa.svg Samoa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Tutonu
| 214
| Zainab
| Zainab Ruhwanya
| align="center" | E
| F
| The Open University of Tanzania
| Assistant Lecturer
| File:Flag of Tanzania.svg Tanzania
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Zainab
| 215
| Rodrigo
| Rodrigo Naim
| align="center" | E
| M
| SaferNet Brazil
| E-Safty Awareness Director
| File:Flag of Brazil.svg Brazil
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Rodras
| 216
| Justin
| Chisenga
| align="center" | E
| M
| FAO Regional Office for Africa
| Knowledge and Information Management Officer
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/chisenga (30)
| 217
| Evan
| Naqiolevu
| align="center" | E
| M
| University of the South Pacific
| Education Technologist
| File:Flag of Fiji.svg Fiji
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Eqbigshark
| 218
| G
| Peters
| align="center" | E
| F
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Remex
| 219
| Alan
| Grant
| align="center" | E
| M
| Twizel Area School
| HOD English
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Alan Grant
| 220
| Brendan
| Smith
| align="center" | E
| M
| RMIT International University Vietnam
| Instructor
| File:Flag of Vietnam.svg Vietnam
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Bardo1000
| 221
| Sebastian
| Panakal
| align="center" | E
| M
| eSchool Kerala
| Principal
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Sebastianpanakal (95)
| 222
| Sudha
| Kilikar
| align="center" | E
| F
| eSchool Kerala
| online trainer
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Kilikarsudha
| 223
| Carol
| Cooper-Taylor
| align="center" | E
| F
| Cooper-Taylor Training
| Director
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/carolct
| 224
| Varda
| Joshi
| align="center" | E
| F
| St. John’s Teacher Training School
| lecturer
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Vardajoshi
| 225
| Nancy
| Milakovic
| align="center" | E
| F
| Distance Learning Program Coordinator
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/nmilakovic
| 226
| Abdulmalik
| Ofemile
| align="center" | E
| M
| University of Leeds
| Student
| File:Flag of United Kingdom.svg UK
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Abdulmalikofemile (65)
| 227
| Mary
| Pringle
| align="center" | E
| F
| Athabasca University
| Learning Designer
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Maryp
| 228
| Elaine
| Khoo
| align="center" | E
| F
| University of Waikato
| Research Fellow
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Ekhoo
| 229
| Kerstin
| Dofs
| align="center" | E
| F
| Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology
| Manager LSAC
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Dofsk
| 230
| Amal
| Hanna
| align="center" | E
| F
| University of South Australia
| PhD Candidate & Tutor
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Amal.Hanna
| 231
| Pankaj
| Agarwal
| align="center" | E
| M
| Subject Matter Expert
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Pmvia
| 232
| Jackie
| Ritzko
| align="center" | E
| F
| Penn State - Schuylkill Campus
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Jmc14
| 233
| Bernardo
| Santos
| align="center" | E
| M
| Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
| Student
| File:Flag of Brazil.svg Brazil
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Bernardo1br
| 234
| Andrea
| Sanders
| align="center" | E
| F
| Chattanooga State Community College
| Professor of English and Humanities
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Asanders
| 235
| Brigitte
| Williams
| align="center" | E
| F
| Bellingen High School
| Teacher
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Brigitte33
| 236
| Jane
| Watson-Baker
| align="center" | E
| F
| Symbiont Ltd
| Business Development Manager
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Sjwbaker
| 237
| Hemlata
| Chari
| align="center" | E
| F
| University of Mumbai
| Deputy Director - Academic
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Hemchari
| 238
| Jane
| Kanas
| align="center" | E
| F
| The University of the South Pacific
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of Fiji.svg Fiji Islands
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Plain Jane
| 239
| Sally
| de-Vitry Smith
| align="center" | E
| F
| Charles Sturt University
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Sdevitry
| 240
| Supten
| Sarbadhikari
| align="center" | E
| M
| CAL2CAL Institute
| Founding Director
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Supten
| 241
| align="center" | E
| F
| e SCHOOL Kerala
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Smitharatheesh2010
| 242
| Daniel
| Mietchen
| align="center" | E
| M
| University of Jena
| Postdoc
| File:Flag of Germany.svg Germany
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Daniel Mietchen
| 243
| Issifu
| Issah
| align="center" | E
| M
| Savanna Agricultural Research Institute
| Library Assistant
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Issah
| 244
| Kwabena Abrefa
| Nketia
| align="center" | E
| M
| CSIR - Soil Research Institute
| Technologist
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Nana abrefa
| 245
| David
| Amo
| align="center" | E
| M
| Technical Officer
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Davidamo
| 246
| Musah
| Iddi
| align="center" | E
| M
| Principal Technical Officer (Computer Technician)
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Iddimus
| 247
| align="center" | E
| M
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Francisappiah
| 248
| Musah
| Issaka Balima
| align="center" | E
| M
| Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSU)
| Project Manager
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Balima
| 249
| Yaw Amo
| Sarpong
| align="center" | E
| M
| Bureau of Integrated Rural Development (BIRD), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)
| Senior Researcher
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Amosarpong
| 250
| Hannah
| Adom-Ameyaw
| align="center" | E
| F
| Bureau of Integrated Rural Development, KNUST
| Research Assistant
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Hannyswikiedu
No. | First Name |
Surname |
Group | Gender |
Organisation |
Title / Position |
Country |
email |
Contributions |
Edit Count (Approximate) |
Overall class list Template:Vbar Group A Template:Vbar Group B Template:Vbar Group C Template:Vbar Group D Template:Vbar Group E Template:Vbar Group F Template:Vbar Group G |
| 251
| Michael
| Commeh
| align="center" | F
| M
| Technology Consultancy Centre, College of Eng., KNUST
| Research Fellow
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Kwekumichael
| 252
| Michael
| Adjaloo
| align="center" | F
| M
| Technology Consultancy Centre, KNUST
| Research Fellow
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Mikijoe
| 253
| Emmanuel
| Bobobee
| align="center" | F
| M
| Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
| Snr. Lecturer
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Wikibobobee
| 254
| Tampuori
| Ang-yinaang Clifford
| align="center" | F
| M
| Assistant Team Leader
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Clifftac
| 255
| Worlah
| Akwetey
| align="center" | F
| M
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Worlahakwetey
| 256
| Emmanuel Kofi
| Bani
| align="center" | F
| M
| Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi
| Librarian
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Ekofibani
| 257
| Latif
| Ibrahim
| align="center" | F
| M
| Teaching Assistant
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Latif
| 258
| Emmanuel
| Minkah
| align="center" | F
| M
| Kwadaso Agricultural College
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Emmaminkah
| 259
| Shijna
| A.M
| align="center" | F
| F
| eSchool Kerala
| Online Tutor
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Shijna
| 260
| Tina
| Yeo
| align="center" | F
| F
| Instructor
| File:Flag of Canada.svg Canada
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Tyeo
| 261
| Carolyn
| Hawe
| align="center" | F
| F
| Symbiont Ltd
| Educational Designer
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Wdhawe
| 262
| Richard
| Lamptey Bruce
| align="center" | F
| M
| KNUST Kumasi
| Assistant Librarian
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Lamee
| 263
| Mathew
| Kochuplackal
| align="center" | F
| M
| eSchool Kerala
| Online Trainer
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/mathewmk
| 264
| Johnny
| Awoonor
| align="center" | F
| M
| CSIR - Soil Research Institute
| Technologist
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Johnny
| 265
| Emmanuel M.K.
| Sosu
| align="center" | F
| M
| CSIR - Crops Research Institute
| IT Manager
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Emmlsosu
| 266
| Steven
| Diaz
| align="center" | F
| M
| St. Thomas University
| Math Instructor
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Kaferico
| 267
| Rabikha Hasni
| Suparman
| align="center" | F
| F
| Wawasan Open University
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of Malaysia.svg Malaysia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Rabikhahs (60)
| 268
| Judith
| Tafangombe
| align="center" | F
| F
| Zimbabwe Open University
| Acting Director
| File:Flag of Zimbabwe.svg Zimbabwe
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Judithtafa
| 269
| Jasmine Selvarani
| Emmanuel
| align="center" | F
| F
| Wawasan Open University
| Senior Lecturer
| File:Flag of Malaysia.svg Malaysia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Jaselemm
| 270
| Fiona
| Bulman
| align="center" | F
| F
| African Centre for Childhood
| Acting Director
| File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Fiona Bulman
| 271
| Shobhana
| Nair
| align="center" | F
| F
| Smt. S.R. Mehta Arts College
| Asst. Professor
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Shobhana
| 272
| Caitlin
| Schipper
| align="center" | F
| F
| Austin Peay State University
| Graduate Student and Teaching Assistant
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/cschipper4
| 273
| Kranjini
| Kalidass
| align="center" | F
| F
| Wawasan Open University
| Administrative Executive
| File:Flag of Malaysia.svg Malaysia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Kranjini
| 274
| Savitha
| Harish
| align="center" | F
| F
| eSchool Kerala
| Online Trainer
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/savithaharish
| 275
| Aswathy
| Babu
| align="center" | F
| F
| eSchool Kerala
| Online Tutor
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/aswathybabu
| 276
| Darsana
| Joseph
| align="center" | F
| M
| eBalajanasakhyam
| Business and Educational Entrepreneur (BEE)
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Djoseph
| 277
| Dixon
| Das
| align="center" | F
| M
| eBalajanasakhyam
| Business and Educational Entrepreneur (BEE)br>
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/dixondas
| 278
| George
| Sebastian
| align="center" | F
| M
| Cochin Carnival Tours and Travels
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/georgeps
| 279
| Rajitha
| Sebastian
| align="center" | F
| F
| eBalajanasakhyam
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/sweety
| 280
| Mogana
| Dr. Dhamotharan
| align="center" | F
| F
| Wawasan Open University
| Prof/Dean
| File:Flag of Malaysia.svg Malaysia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/M Dhamotharan
| 281
| Nagarajan
| Subramanian
| align="center" | F
| M
| Wawasan Open University
| Senior Lecturer
| File:Flag of Malaysia.svg Malaysia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/SNaga
| 282
| Razeen
| Davids
| align="center" | F
| M
| Stellenbosch University
| Nephrologist
| File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Razeen
| 283
| Smitha
| Basheer
| align="center" | F
| F
| 2tion.com
| Online Tutor
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Smita
| 284
| Babu
| Appat
| align="center" | F
| M
| Falcon Sales & Marketing Services
| Proprietor
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Babuappat
| 285
| Arron
| Pawlowicz
| align="center" | F
| M
| Librarian Assistant
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Arronp
| 286
| Long
| Nguyen
| align="center" | F
| M
| Massey University
| PhD Candidate
| File:Flag of Vietnam.svg Vietnam
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/lvnguyen
| 287
| Patricia
| Trammel
| align="center" | F
| F
| Santa Clara County Probation
| Supervising group counselor
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/patriciatrammel
| 288
| Petrea
| Redmond
| align="center" | F
| F
| University of Southern Queensland
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/redmond
| 289
| Leila
| Boyle
| align="center" | F
| F
| The University of Auckland
| Senior Tutor in Statistics
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Leila Boyle
| 290
| Sherilyn
| Faabasua
| align="center" | F
| F
| Literacy Association of Solomon Islands
| Program Curriculum Development Officer
| File:Flag of Solomon Islands.svg Solomon Islands
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Lelita Faabasua
| 291
| Liz
| Harrison
| align="center" | F
| F
| Durban University of Technology
| Educational Technologist
| File:Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Lizkzn
| 292
| Graham
| Stott
| align="center" | F
| M
| Arab American University - Jenin
| Associate Professor
| File:Flag of Palestine.svg Palestine
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Aardvarkpal
| 293
| Deborah
| Krumtinger
| align="center" | F
| F
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Krumtinger
| 294
| Anne
| Helsdingen
| align="center" | F
| F
| Open Universiteit Nederland
| Post doc
| File:Flag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Annehelsdingen
| 295
| Afroza
| Tuli
| align="center" | F
| F
| University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC)
| Grad Student
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Afroza Tuli
| 296
| MD Harun Or
| Rashid
| align="center" | F
| M
| Global Human Community Inc
| Executive Member
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/MD Rashid
| 297
| Nirisha
| Garimella
| align="center" | F
| F
| Texas Woman's University
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Nkuchima
| 298
| Ambika
| Isaac
| align="center" | F
| F
| University of the West Indies
| Student/Educator
| File:Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg Trinidad and Tobago
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/ANI
| 299
| Sally
| Woods
| align="center" | F
| F
| EIT Hawkes Bay
| Tutor
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Sallyw
| 300
| Kathine
| Edwards
| align="center" | F
| F
| Teachers
| Teacher
| File:Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg Trinidad and Tobago
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/1stkathine
No. | First Name |
Surname |
Group | Gender |
Organisation |
Title / Position |
Country |
email |
Contributions |
Edit Count (Approximate) |
Overall class list Template:Vbar Group A Template:Vbar Group B Template:Vbar Group C Template:Vbar Group D Template:Vbar Group E Template:Vbar Group F Template:Vbar Group G |
| 301
| William
| White
| align="center" | G
| M
| University of Auckland
| Postgraduate Coordinator
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Wwhi016
| 302
| Shirley
| Rawlins
| align="center" | G
| F
| Milton Lynch Primary School
| Graduate Teacher
| File:Flag of Barbados.svg Barbados
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Super2shirl
| 303
| Dean
| Dundas
| align="center" | G
| M
| Notesmaster
| Commercial Director
| File:Flag of United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Notesmaster.com
| 304
| Leslie
| Lindsey
| align="center" | G
| F
| Texas Woman's University
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/LLindsey
| 305
| Alfredo
| Castañeda
| align="center" | G
| M
| Ikusnet
| Trainer
| File:Flag of Spain.svg Spain
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/ecotecno
| 306
| Alicia
| Carew
| align="center" | G
| F
| Teacher
| File:Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg Trinidad and Tobago
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/ABCwiki
| 307
| Maraia
| Lesuma
| align="center" | G
| F
| CFDL/University of the south Pacific
| Senior Sound Technician
| File:Flag of Fiji.svg Fiji
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Ma lesuma
| 308
| Pita
| Tuisawau
| align="center" | G
| M
| Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of Vanuatu.svg Vanuatu
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Pitatui
| 309
| Natalie
| Goldman
| align="center" | G
| F
| Learning and Development Manager
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/ngoldman
| 310
| Rohan
| Edmeades
| align="center" | G
| M
| Tabor College Victoria
| Information Systems Manager
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Redmeades
| 311
| Afshana
| Anzeg
| align="center" | G
| F
| University of the South Pacific
| Tutor
| File:Flag of Fiji.svg Fiji
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Anzeg a
| 312
| Jennifer
| Payne
| align="center" | G
| F
| Ministry of Education
| Teacher
| File:Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg Trinidad and Tobago
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Jennifer payne
| 313
| Paul
| Macharia
| align="center" | G
| M
| University of Nairobi
| IT Administrator
| File:Flag of Kenya.svg Kenya
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Paulmash
| 314
| Sayali
| Dubash
| align="center" | G
| F
| e-B.Ed
| Student
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/SayaliDubash (94)
| 315
| Vamsi
| D
| align="center" | G
| M
| Management Institute
| Asst Professor
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Vamsi
| 316
| Kathleen
| Texeira
| align="center" | G
| F
| School
| Administrator/ Teacher
| File:Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg Trinidad and Tobago
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Kattex1
| 317
| Indira
| Koneru
| align="center" | G
| F
| Genpact
| Sr. Instructional Designer
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Indkon (469)
| 318
| Michael
| Hutak
| align="center" | G
| M
| One Laptop per Child Foundation
| Regional Director, Oceania
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Hutak
| 319
| Rizwan
| Abbasi
| align="center" | G
| M
| Project Manager
| File:Flag of Pakistan.svg Pakistan
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/rizwan81
| 320
| Shermaine
| Barrett
| align="center" | G
| F
| University of Technology, Jamaica
| Head of School of Technical and Vocational Education
| File:Flag of Jamaica.svg Jamaica
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Shermainebarrett
| 321
| Alison
| Kirkness
| align="center" | G
| F
| Auckland University of Technology
| Academic developer
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Alison.kirkness
| 322
| Stacey
| Roshan
| align="center" | G
| F
| Bullis School
| Teacher
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Calcfun
| 323
| Denise
| Edwards-Forde
| align="center" | G
| F
| Student/Educator
| File:Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg Trinidad and Tobago
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Denise
| 324
| Bhagyashree
| Borkar
| align="center" | G
| F
| K.K. College of Education, Mumbai
| Student of Bachelor of Education in e-learning
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Bhagyashree Borkar (31)
| 325
| Sachin
| Borkar
| align="center" | G
| M
| Maharashtra Legislature Secretariat, Mumbai, India
| Translator
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Sachin Borkar
| 326
| Shazeena
| Mohammed
| align="center" | G
| F
| Institute of Distance & Continuing Education, University of Guyana
| Secretary
| File:Flag of Guyana.svg Guyana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Shaz
| 327
| Álvaro
| Ricárdez Scherenberg
| align="center" | G
| M
| Instituto Carlos Gracida
| TEFL teacher
| File:Flag of Mexico.svg Mexico
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Zapoteco
| 328
| Ian
| Forde
| align="center" | G
| M
| The University of Trinidad and Tobago
| Lecturer2
| File:Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg Trinidad and Tobago
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Ianforde
| 329
| George
| Stephen
| align="center" | G
| M
| Southern Illinois University
| Professor
| File:Flag of USA.svg USA
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Stepheng
| 330
| Keryn
| Pratt
| align="center" | G
| F
| University of Otago College of Education
| Senior Lecturer
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Keryn
| 331
| Jeannette
| Dyet
| align="center" | G
| F
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/jeannette
| 332
| Milena
| Dunn
| align="center" | G
| F
| Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW Australia
| Educational designer
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/MilenaDunn
| 333
| Alex
| Tait
| align="center" | G
| F
| Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management
| Professional Development Advisor
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Alex Tait
| 334
| Hema
| Pant
| align="center" | G
| F
| Indira Gandhi National Open University
| Program Officer
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Panthema
| 335
| Suresh Babu
| R.G.
| align="center" | G
| M
| File:Flag of India.svg India
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Rgsbabu1
| 336
| Kangwa
| Tembo
| align="center" | G
| F
| Commonwealth Youth Programme
| Intern - Project Assistant
| File:Flag of Zambia.svg Zambia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Ktembo
| 337
| Thabiso Kenneth
| Saka
| align="center" | G
| M
| Institute of Extra Mural Studies (IEMS)
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of Lesotho.svg Lesotho
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Thabisso
| 338
| Joanna
| Saunders
| align="center" | G
| F
| Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB)
| Nurse Educator
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Josemagoo
| 339
| Sean
| Rogers
| align="center" | G
| Male
| Genesis Innovative Solution
| Managing Director
| File:Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg Trinidad
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Seannn9 (118)
| 340
| Isla
| Taufalele
| align="center" | G
| F
| Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu
| Chemistry teacher
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Palangi
| 341
| Pania
| Whauwhau
| align="center" | G
| F
| Te Kura O Te Aho Pounamu - NZ Correspondence School
| Teacher
| File:Flag of New Zealand.svg Aoteroa
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Pania
| 342
| Elaine
| Huber
| align="center" | G
| F
| Macquarie University
| Educational Developer
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/ElaineHuber
| 343
| Kali
| Bell
| align="center" | G
| F
| School
| Pre-service educator
| File:Flag of Australia.svg Australia
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/kalibell
| 344
| Kamil
| Śliwowski
| align="center" | G
| M
| Foundation Modern Poland/Creative Commons Poland
| Animator/project coordinator
| File:Flag of Poland.svg Poland
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Cienkamila
| 345
| Abednego
| Corletey
| align="center" | G
| M
| Systems Librarian
| File:Flag of Ghana.svg Ghana
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Dingykid
| 346
| Zainee
| Waemusa
| align="center" | G
| M
| Prince of Songkla University
| English teacher
| File:Flag of Thailand.svg Thailand
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Zainee.w
| 347
| Adanma
| Duvie
| align="center" | G
| F
| Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike
| Lecturer
| File:Flag of Nigeria1.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/adanmaduvie
| 348
| Rosita
| Igwe
| align="center" | G
| F
| University of Lagos
| Associate Professorbr>
| File:Flag of Nigeria1.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Rosy
| 349
| Anne
| Fabiyi
| align="center" | G
| F
| University of Lagos
| Senior Lecturer
| File:Flag of Nigeria1.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Annefabiyi
| 350
| Henrietta
| Johnson
| align="center" | G
| F
| National Open University of Nigeria
| Course Coordinator Ibr>
| File:Flag of Nigeria1.svg Nigeria
| email
| My contributions
| Special:Editcount/Jumokejohnson24
No. | First Name |
Surname |
Group | Gender |
Organisation |
Title / Position |
Country |
email |
Contributions |
Edit Count (Approximate) |
Request what you'd like to learn[]
- What would you like to learn
Name or an Avatar's Name | Subject | |
WUaS Idea- and Academic Resources[]
I'm curious about ways, in this WUaS information technology planning phase, in which open source grading, and importantly, secure registrar/transcript (for accredited universities in many languages software can be programmed / coded with Intuit's Quickbooks Premier Online + for donor outreach, paying interns and employees, for the WUaS bookstore / computer store / musical instrument store, for taxes in many languages (e.g. TurboTax +), and Quickbooks' history of integrated finance software in many, many languages, at World University and School's - 'You at WUaS' - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/You_at_World_University - and to define further what WUaS will need IT-wise in its academic registrar, and how to get there. WUaS would like You at WUaS to become a robust social networking site for students, for the conference method, and for musicians, perhaps building on the conference method and G+ video conferencing.
Check out the wiki information technologies and data plan at WUAS: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_Information_Technologies_and_Data_Plan. Eventually WUaS wants 'secure registrar' - https:// (e.g. like Vanguard Mutual Funds) and Wikipedia openness - in all 3000-8000 languages and 220-ish countries.
... will look to integrate Academia.edu's paper publishing at WUaS, perhaps here at 'You at WUaS' - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/You_at_World_University.
Publish my article in a WUaS academic journal in this subject[]
Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project.
(WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at http://www.academia.edu).
Select Bibliographies[]
Select Blogs[]
Select Book Groups, Study Groups, Musical Groups, etc.[]
Begin a Google + Hangout: https://plus.google.com/u/0/108179352492243955816/posts
Calendar: https://www.google.com/calendar/
Select Book Reviews[]
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Select Communities, Email lists, etc.[]
(See also editable World University and School's 'You at World University' page: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/You_at_World_University).
Select Conferences Online[]
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Select Film Reviews[]
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Select Libraries, Archives, Collections, etc.[]
(See also editable World University and School's Library Resources' page: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Library_Resources).
Select Maps[]
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(See also editable World University and School's Museums' page: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Museums).
Select Newspapers, News[]
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Select Questions, Inquiries, Problems[]
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Select RSS Feeds[]
Select Recordings[]
Select References[]
Price, Richard. 2013. After Aaron, Reputation Metrics Startups Aim To Disrupt The Scientific Journal Industry. February 3rd. techcrunch.com.
Zelenkauskaite, A., & Massa, P. 2011. Digital libraries and social Web: Insights from Wikipedia users’ activities. July. Rome, Italy: Proceedings of IADIS Collaborative Technologies 2011.
A Bill of Rights and Principles for Learning in the Digital Age
A Bill of Rights and Principles for Learning in the Digital Age. 2013. A Bill of Rights and Principles for Learning in the Digital Age. github.com/audreywatters ...
Lederman, Doug. 2013. Digital Learning, for the Learners. January 24. Inside Higher Ed.
Mitrano, Tracy. 2013. http://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/law-policy-and-it/critique-bill-rights-and-principles-learning-digital-age Critique of 'Bill of Rights and Principles for Learning in the Digital Age']. January 28. Inside Higher Ed.
Select Reviews[]
Select Search Engines[]
Select Simulations, Applets and Visualizations[]
Select Slideshows[]
Select Societies, Associations, Groups, Networks, etc.[]
Select Study Guides[]
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Select Tests, Exams, etc.[]
Select Textbooks[]
Select Theses, Dissertations, Papers, etc.[]
Select Timelines[]
Select Twitters[]
Select Video and Audio[]
Hoffman, Reid and Joi Ito. 2012. LinkedIn's Reid Hoffman: Conversation Archive. April 4. (http://www.media.mit.edu/events/2012/04/04/media-lab-conversations-series-reid-hoffman-summary). Cambridge, MA: blog.media.mit.edu/
Price, Richard (interview). 2012. Academia.edu and the Evolution of Peer Review with Richard Price. July 25. San Francisco, CA: mendelspod.com.
Select Video Conferences[]
Select Websites[]
Academia.edu. 2012. Academia.edu - Share Research. San Francisco, CA: Academia.edu.
Select Wikis[]
World University and School Links[]
Clinical Trials at WUaS (for all languages): http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Clinical_Trials_at_WUaS_(for_all_languages)
Internship Program at World University and School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Internship_Program_at_World_University_and_School
Student Managers:
You at World University: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/You_at_World_University
WUaS Intern positions: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_Intern_positions
Academic Advising at WUaS[]
Academic Press at World University and School[]
Academic Press at World University and School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Academic_Press_at_World_University_and_School
Access to Live, or Email, University Technical Expertise[]
Ask a question in a specific discipline, or find, for example, a Robotics' or Computer programmer, or Translator, easily and freely.
Additional Categories[]
Admissions at World University and School[]
Admissions' Department: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School
Flyer seeking degree-oriented, WUaS students: 'Quaker-informed World University & School seeks friendly, undergraduate students for free, online, Greatest Universities-centric, bachelor’s degrees to apply in the autumn of 2013, for matriculation in autumn 2014' - http://scottmacleod.com/WUaSFriendsFlyerforProspectiveStudentApplicants.pdf - and accessible here, also - http://scottmacleod.com/WUaSNoticeArchive.html. WUaS holds open, electronically-mediated, hour-long, monthly business meeting on the second Saturdays at 9 am Pacific Time, in the manner of Quakers - email worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com if you'd like to participate.
Digital and Print catalog
Assistive Technologies[]
WUaS plans to anticipate numerous developing assistive technologies for sight-impaired, hearing-impaired, and similar -
Assistive Technologies: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Assistive_Technologies
Blog at World University and School[]
Bookstore / Computer Store (New & Used) at World University and School[]
Bookstore / Computer Store (New & Used) at WUaS: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Bookstore_/_Computer_Store_%28New_%26_Used%29_at_WUaS
with educational electronics, as well; with musical instruments; value pricing ... 2% below market, consistently; available via mail and electronically;
Calendar (Schedule what you'd like to teach)[]
Calendar: https://www.google.com/calendar/
Join the World University and School Google + Group to add to its wiki-like calendar to teach an open, free class or course, converse about ideas, and jam (e.g. musically or theater improvisation): https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108179352492243955816/ .
Career counseling: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Career_counseling
Finding / creating a job you really love: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Finding_/_creating_a_job_you_really_love
WUaS Job hunting: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_Job_hunting
Counseling: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Counseling
Geodetic datums such as WGS84 or GPS
Geohash keys
... in a virtual world
Many thanks to each of you!
Please feel free to hyperlink your name to a location of your choice (or tell WUaS where to link to - worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com). Please do not hesitate to let WUaS know if you think that somebody (including yourself) has been forgotten, now or in the future; please include a URL, which is, of course, one main way identity created on the internet.
Digital To Do[]
Brainwave device / Headset
Broadcast to radio frequencies
Broadcast to TV / television
Create EMail group for page
Digital Text to Audio file format (Browse Aloud / Read Aloud?)
Google Glass
MIT OCW Mirror Site Instructions: http://ocw.mit.edu/about/mirror-site-program/mirror-site-instructions/
Oculus Rift
Publish to DVD
Send to phone
Free Degrees / Credit[]
MIT OCW Audio Video Courses: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/audio-video-courses/
Admissions at World University and School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School
Conference Method of Teaching and Learning: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Conference_Method_of_Teaching_and_Learning
The College at World University and School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School
Ph.D. Degrees at World University and School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Ph.D._Degrees_at_World_University_and_School
World University Law School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Law_School
World University Medical School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Medical_School
World University Music School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Music_School
WUaS International Baccalaureate Diploma and Programme: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_International_Baccalaureate_Diploma_and_Programme
(beginning with United Nations' languages - Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, Russian, Spanish)
In Google Earth[]
Google Earth.
In Virtual World[]
(Search on the word 'lists' here, too: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Virtual_Worlds)
3D Learn. 2013. http://www.learningin3d.info/
Active Worlds Educational Universe (AWEDU). 2012. http://www.activeworlds.com
Alice. 2012. http://www.alice.org/
Minecraft. 2012. www.minecraft.net
Edusim. 2013. http://edusim3d.com/
Gifted Kids.ie. 2013. http://www.giftedkids.ie/daynuv.html
ISTE – SIGMS. 2013. http://sigms.iste.wikispaces.net/secondlifeplayground2010
Kaneva. 2014. http://www.kaneva.com/
Open Cobalt. 2013. http://www.opencobalt.org/
OpenSim. 2012. http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Main_Page (http://www.scribd.com/doc/57959626/OpenSimulator-School-Quick-Start-Guide)
Open Croquet. 2012. http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?OpenCroquet and http://www.opencroquet.org/
Open Wonderland. 2012. http://openwonderland.org/
Primary Games. 2013. http://www.primarygames.com/arcade/virtualworlds.php
Quest Atlantis. 2012. http://atlantisremixed.org/ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZoT3pilNPI).
SimScience. 2012. http://simscience.org/
Second Life - Harvard's virtual island. 2012. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Berkman/115/53/25 - and teach, learn and share ideas - in group voice chat, or in group type chat, and via building.
SmallWorlds. 2014. https://www.smallworlds.com/
There.com. 2014. http://www.there.com/
Twinity. 2014. http://www.twinity.com/en/choose-your-free-avatar
Unity3D. 2012. http://unity3d.com/
WiloStar3D. 2013. https://www.wilostar3d.com/
World of Warcraft in School. 2014. http://wowinschool.pbworks.com/w/page/5268731/FrontPage
Add a learning-oriented virtual world here:
Travel to this virtual island to learn building:
Item Number[]
Global ID and Multiple IDs - see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/New_sites_system
Bar code
Learning Networking[]
Teach and Learn using free Social Networking software to share what courses, etc., you find edifying, what you enjoy learning ....
About Me - World University and School -
Academia.edu's World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.academia.edu/
Delicious.com's World University and School - http://www.delicious.com/WorldUniversityandSchool
Facebook.com's World University and School - http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=48753608141 ('This group may be archived').
Good Reads - http://www.goodreads.com/group/show/99021-worlduniversityandschool
Google + Profiles - worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com - Scott MacLeod - https://plus.google.com/115890623333932577910/
Google + Profiles Company page - worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com - World University and School - https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108179352492243955816/108179352492243955816/posts
Google Groups' World University and School - http://groups.google.com/group/World-University-and-School
LinkedIn's World University and School - http://www.linkedin.com/groups/World-University-School-4024337
Quora - http://www.quora.com/
Research Gate - http://www.researchgate.net/
Redditt.com's World University and School - http://www.reddit.com/user/WorldUnivandSch/
Tribe.net's World University and School - http://tribes.tribe.net/worlduniversityandschool
Twitter.com's World University and School - http://twitter.com/WorldUnivandSch
Wer Kennt Wen - World University and School - http://www.wer-kennt-wen.de/
World University & School 'subject page' group
World University & School Share This
Yahoo Groups' World University and School: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlduniversityandschool/
RSS Feed[]
TV-Live Broadcasting[]
Broadcast to television
Teach and learn using free TV-Live Broadcasting software to the web:
Google + Hangouts - https://plus.google.com/hangouts
Justin TV - http://www.justin.tv
Livestream TV - http://www.livestream.com
Ustream TV - http://ustream.tv
Video Communication[]
Teach and learn using free TV-Live Broadcasting software
Free video conferencing
iChat - http://www.apple.com/macosx/what-is-macosx/ichat.html
Skype - http://www.skype.com/
Free, group video conferencing
AnyMeeting - http://anymeeting.com/homepage/
Google + Hangout - https://tools.google.com/dlpage/hangoutplugin - http://www.google.com/+/learnmore/hangouts/
Meeting Burner - http://www.meetingburner.com/index?page=signup-v2 – up to 15 connection
ooVoo - http://www.oovoo.com/home.aspx
Paltalk - http://www.paltalk.com
sifonr - free communication - http://www.sifonr.com/
Tokbox | OpenTok - API - http://tokbox.com/opentok
Vyew - http://vyew.com/
Web Huddle - https://www.webhuddle.com/homepage.jsp - http://sourceforge.net/projects/webhuddle/
Zoom.us - Cloud HD Video Meetings - http://zoom.us/
Universal Translator at WUaS[]
Google Translate language:
Sugar Labs: Translation System language:
Select Translators
Babelxl. 2015. Babelxl: the best translator. http://babelxl.com/ .
Babylon Online Translation. 2015. Babylon Online Translation. (Offering hundreds of dictionaries and translation in more than 800 language pairs). translation.babylon.com/ .
Free-translator.com. 2015. Free-translator.com. free-translator.com/ .
Google Translate. 2015. Google Translate. translate.google.com/ .
SDL Free Translation. 2015. SDL Free Translation. freetranslation.com/ .
Word Lingo Free Translation Tools. 2015. Word Lingo Free Translation Tools and Machine Translation Products. worldlingo.com/en/products/ .
Select Video with Subtitles for Translation
Amara.org. 2015. Amara.org: Captions, subtitles, and translations simplified. (Amara makes video globally accessible: Captions, subtitles, and translations simplified). amara.org/en/
TED Open Translation Project. 2015. TED Open Translation Project. (See - https://www.ted.com/about/programs-initiatives/ted-open-translation-project - and - https://www.ted.com/participate/translate/get-started). ted.com/about/programs-initiatives/ted-open-translation-project .
The "Universitian" Newspaper at World University and School[]
The "Universitian" Newspaper at WUaS
Wiki Software for Courses[]
Media Wiki - http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki
PB Works - http://pbworks.com/
Wet Paint - http://wikisineducation.wikifoundry.com/
Wikia - http://www.wikia.com/Wikia
Wikispaces - http://www.wikispaces.com/
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World University and School Licensing[]
World University and School - like Wikipedia with Greatest Universities' OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit effective April 2010 and is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, educational organization charity.
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