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- Free, educational software.
- Add great, free, open, educational software.
Educational software[]
Astronomy Educational Software[]
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Stellarium | http://www.stellarium.org/ | Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. It is being used in planetarium projectors. Just set your coordinates and go. | English | |||
Worldwide Telescope | http://www.worldwidetelescope.org/Home.aspx | Microsoft Research | enables your computer to function as a virtual telescope, bringing together imagery from the best ground and space-based telescopes in the world. Experience narrated guided tours from astronomers and educators featuring interesting places in the sky. | English |
Biology Educational Software[]
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Immune Attack: An Adventure in the Molecular World | http://fas.org/immuneattack/ | Made by Federation of American Scientists | An educational video game that introduces basic concepts of human immunology to high school and entry-level college students. Immune Attack is a supplemental teaching tool, designed to be used in addition to middle school and high school biology textbooks. Immune Attack introduces molecular biology and cellular biology in detail that is usually reserved for college students. However, it uses the familiar and motivational video game format to introduce the strange and new world of cells and molecules. (See also: http://www.fas.org/blog/learningtech/immune-defense-beta-testing). | High School | |||
Bioinformatics Learning Tutorial (BLT) | http://www.cs.transy.edu/nsmith |
Educational interactive tutorials and 3D animations for Replication, Transcription, and Translation Download Windows version
First year college biology | English |
Chat Software[]
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Tweet Chat | http://tweetchat.com/room/ocrsf | Made by Twitter | Twitter Chat room - helps put your blinders on to the Twitter-sphere while you monitor and chat about one topic. |
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HyperCities | http://hypercities.com/about/ | Developed though collaboration between UCLA and USC | HyperCities is a digital research and educational platform for exploring, learning about, and interacting with the layered histories of city and global spaces. | English |
Environment Educational Software[]
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Trout in the Classroom | http://www.troutintheclassroom.org/ | Trout in the Classroom (TIC) is an environmental education program in which students in grades k-12 . . . raise trout from eggs to fry; monitor tank water quality; engage in stream habitat study; learn to appreciate water resources; begin to foster a conservation ethic; grow to understand ecosystems. | English |
Geography Educational Software[]
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Seterra | http://www.wartoft.nu/software/seterra/ | Made by Marion Wartoft | a challenging geography program with exercises about countries, capitals, flags and cities all over the world. | English |
Kids' Educational Software[]
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Primary School Tools | http://www.primaryschooltools.com/page/ICT+Tools | Neil Lynch | English | ||||
Kids' Software | http://www.kids-software.com/ | English | |||||
Lifelong Kindergarten | http://llk.media.mit.edu/ | MIT Media Lab | develops new technologies that, in the spirit of the blocks and fingerpaint of kindergarten,
expand the range of what people can design, create, and learn. Computer Clubhouse Village, Computer Crafting, DesignBlocks, Drawdio, Glowdoodle, Hook-Ups, Jots, Mobile Scratch, Say What?!, Scratch Board, Scratch Day, Scratch for Arduino, Scratch for Computer Science, Scratch Worlds, ScratchEd, ScratchR, Twinkle |
English | |||
RekenTest | http://www.4x4software.nl/ |
Hendrik Jan Runhaar |
RekenTest is freeware educational software to practice arithmetic skills. It supports basic arithmetic operations like addition and subtraction, the muliplication tables and so on, as well as more advanced arithmetic operations like decimals, money problems, percentages and fractions. The software can be used for classes or as a homework helper. It has lots of options to create the lessons you want and lets you organize your classroom with tasks and groups. | English, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch |
Mathematics Software[]
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DragonBox Algebra | http://dragonboxapp.com/ | DragonBox | A learner-centered approach to teaching algebra; Voted world's best serious game at the International Mobile Gaming Awards(IMGA) | |||
Sage Math | http://www.sagemath.org/ | Sage | Sage is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It combines the power of many existing open-source packages into a common Python-based interface. | |||
Physics Educational Software[]
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Phun - 2D Physics Simulations Sandbox | http://www.phunland.com/wiki/Home | from research at Umeå university, and a MSc project of Emil Ernerfeldt, now further developed at Algoryx Simulation | interactive multiphysics simulation, ranging from novel physical models and variational integrators to high performance numerical methods |
Programming Educational Software[]
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Alice 3 | http://www.alice.org/ | Carnegie Mellon University | an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web. Alice is a teaching tool for introductory computing. It uses 3D graphics and a drag-and-drop interface to facilitate a more engaging, less frustrating first programming experience. | programming | |||
Blockly: A visual programming editor | https://code.google.com/p/blockly/ | Blockly is a web-based, graphical programming editor. Users can drag blocks together to build an application. No typing required. | programming | ||||
Robomind | http://www.robomind.net/en/index.html | Arvid Halma, Aksel Ethembabaoglu - University of Amsterdam | very simple educational programming language that will familiarize you with the basics of computer science by programming your own robot | programming | |||
MIT's Scratch: A Programming Language for Everyone | http://scratch.mit.edu/ | Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab | 'Drag and Drop' Teaching Language for Programming |
Starbucks Near Me
Vocabulary Learning Software[]
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Free Rice | http://www.freerice.com/ | Give free rice to hungry people by playing a simple game that increases your knowledge. Used with great success in correction facility in Jamaica. | English |
Educational Software Tools[]
3-D Content Creation[]
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Blender | http://www.blender.org/ | model • shade • animate • render • composite • interactive 3d | free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License |
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iAccessibile2 | http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/accessibility/iaccessible2 | Linux Foundation | IAccessible2 is a new accessibility API which complements Microsoft's earlier work on MSAA. This API fills critical accessibility API gaps in the MSAA offering |
Android Phone Freeware[]
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Android Freeware | http://www.androidfreeware.org/categories/communications | ||||||
Android Market | http://www.android.com/market/free.html | ||||||
App Inventor @ MIT | http://info.appinventor.mit.edu/ | http://mitmobilelearning.org/ | |||||
Free Android Applications | http://freeandroidapplications.net/ | ||||||
Nujo Systems - Simple Software - The best android apps on internet - More Apps for Android | http://www.NujoSystems.com |
Animation and Machinima-Making Software[]
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Moviestorm | http://www.moviestorm.co.uk/ | Complete Movie-Making Package for Animations |
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AVG Free Anti-Virus Software | http://free.avg.com/ | AVG | Free Anti-Virus Software |
Assessment tools and resources[]
Resource | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Description |
QCommons: Chemistry | http://chemistry.qcommons.org | QCommons | This site is a open collaborative question bank, in which anyone can use, rate, discuss, and improve assessment and practice materials. Chemistry is the subject area offered, but there will be more domains in the QCommons. |
Second Life Roundtable - on Assessment | http://virtualworldsedu.info/slroundtable/090929.html | Virtual Worlds Education |
Audio Editor and Recorder[]
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Audacity (needs Lame, too) | http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ | Soundforge | Audio Editor and Recorder | Free - To encode mp3 files from audicity, install Lame | |||
Recording Skype calls for Free w/ Audacity | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlPT7b-Hkuk | Youtube | |||||
SoundCloud | http://soundcloud.com/ | Capture a voice, moment or music in seconds or upload audio you’ve already created. | |||||
WireTap Studio | http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/25978/wiretap-studio |
Backup Storage Online[]
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Drop Box | https://www.getdropbox.com/ | Sync your files online and across computers | Free for Windows, Mac and Linux | ||||
iDrive | http://www.idrive.com | Features include Automatic Backup, True Archiving, Versioning, Continuous Backup, Mapped Drive Backup and Web-based Backup Management | Get 2 GB of full featured Online Backup for free | ||||
Mozy | http://mozy.com | Simple, Automatic, Secure Online Backup | Get 2 GB absolutely free! No setup fee, no credit cards, no expiration, no hassle. |
Blogging tools[]
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Blogger.com | http://blogger.com | made by Google | free blogging tool, integrates with other, free Google technologies | All ages | |||
WordPress | http://wordpress.com | made by Wordpress | free blogging tools | All ages |
Bookmarking tools[]
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Zotero | http://www.zotero.org/ | Zotero | Zotero is a powerful, easy-to-use research tool that helps you gather, organize, and analyze sources and then share the results of your research; Mozilla Firefox Extension. | All ages | |||
SCRAPBOOK :: Firefox Extension | http://amb.vis.ne.jp/mozilla/scrapbook/ | ScrapBook is a Firefox extension, which helps you to save Web pages and manage the collection. Key features are lightness, speed, accuracy and multi-language support. Major features are: | English, Japanese | ||||
Classroom Tools[]
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H20 | http://h2odev.law.harvard.edu/ | Harvard Law | All ages | ||||
All ages |
Collections of Educational Software[]
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School Forge Education Software | http://www.schoolforge.net/education-software | SchoolForge.net | All ages | ||||
All ages |
Command Line Tools[]
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Google Code - googleCL | http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/ | Command line tools for the Google Data APIs | All ages |
Community, Class and Group-formation Software[]
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Google Groups | http://groups.google.com | Form groups, classes, communities share files, Google Docs, Google Wiki Calendar | All ages |
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GNU Compiler Colletion | http://gcc.gnu.org | GNU | The premiere Free/Libre Open Source Compiler | Free Software |
CodeWarrior Compiler and MSL Update 2.2.1 for Mac | http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/homepage.jsp?nodeId=012726&gclid=CIbUxLzOpJ0CFRcjawodSCGCDA | Metroworks | This is non free software and limits your usage of it in many ways. | Non Free Trialware |
Computational Knowledge Engines[]
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WorlframAlpha Computational Knowledge Engine | http://www.wolframalpha.com/ | WorlframAlpha | Alpha's long-term goal is to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone. We aim to collect and curate all objective data; implement every known model, method, and algorithm; and make it possible to compute whatever can be computed about anything |
Content Management Systems[]
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Drupal | http://drupal.org/ | Drupal | Browser | Drupal is an open source content management platform. Equipped with a powerful blend of features, Drupal supports a variety of websites ranging from personal weblogs to large community-driven websites. |
Course Management Systems[]
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Moodle | http://moodle.org/ | Moodle | Browser | Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a Free web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites. Moodle.org is our community site where Moodle is made and discussed. | |||
Sloodle | http://www.sloodle.org/moodle/ | Sloodle | Browser | SLOODLE is an Open Source project which integrates the multi-user virtual environment of Second Life® with the Moodle® learning-management system. SLOODLE provides a range of tools for supporting learning and teaching to the immersive virtual world; tools which are integrated with a tried and tested leading web-based learning management system. | SecondLife |
Cross-platform open-source multimedia framework, player and server[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Adobe Flash | http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/ | Download Youtube videos to your Mac or PC. | Level | Multiple | |||
Introductory Video about Download Youtube videos to your Mac or PC. | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EctR7aDPANU | Download Youtube videos to your Mac or PC. | Level | Multiple | |||
VideoLan - VLC Media Player | http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ | Download Youtube videos to your Mac or PC. | Level | Multiple |
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DSpace | http://www.dspace.org/ | DSpace | DSpace open source software enables open sharing of content that spans organizations, continents and time. | Level | Multiple |
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Debate Visualization Tool | http://debategraph.org/ | Skype | Debategraph.org's goal is to make the best arguments on all sides of any public debate freely available to all and continuously open to challenge and improvement by all. | Level | Multiple |
Digital Media Learning Software (MacArthur Foundation) Competition Winners[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Digital Media & Learning Competition 2009 Award Recipients | http://digitallearning.macfound.org/site/c.enJLKQNlFiG/b.5106073/k.A5AF/Award_Recipients.htm | English | |||||
Digital Media & Learning Competition 2008 Award Recipients | http://digitallearning.macfound.org/site/c.enJLKQNlFiG/b.3904919/ | English |
Digital Research Tools[]
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Digital Research Tools | http://digitalresearchtools.pbworks.com/ | Extremely thorough directory of research tools, organized by category | English | ||||
Google's Ngram Viewer | http://books.google.com/ngrams | allows you to track and compare how often words or phrases appear in published books (at least those books in Google's database, which I gather is quite large). | English | ||||
Webnographers.org Digital Tools | http://www.webnographers.org/index.php?title=Tools | English |
Dissertation Software[]
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The UCLA Thesis Style for LaTeX | http://www.isi.edu/~johnh/SOFTWARE/uclathes/ | LaTeX is my text formatting program of choice. | English |
Drawing Programs[]
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Google Sketchup | http://sketchup.google.com/ | Google Sketchup ... | English | ||||
SmoothDraw: To Be an Artist Now | http://www.smoothdraw.com/ | Free - The Goal: To create something. | English |
Educational Games[]
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Educational Games | http://www.nobelprize.org/educational/ | NobelPrize.org | These games and simulations, based on Nobel Prize-awarded achievements, will teach and inspire you while you're having FUN! | English | |||
Eyewire Game Interface | http://eyewire.org/instructions/#Eyewire_Game_Interface | Eyewire | As you may have gathered already, the retina has a lot of neurons and neuronal connections, and if we hope to understand how the retina works, we have to observe the connections and neurons in many retinal samples. To this end, lots of retinal samples have been collected and imaged by microscope, and now its your job to make sense of these pictures. | English |
Embodied and Mediated Learning[]
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K-12 Embodied and Mediated Learning | http://ame2.asu.edu/projects/emlearning/ | SMALLab is an extensible platform for semi-immersive, mixed-reality learning. By semi-immersive, we mean that the mediated space of SMALLab is physically open on all sides to the larger environment. Participants can freely enter and exit the space without the need for wearing specialized display or sensing devices such as head-mounted displays (HMD) or motion capture markers. Participants seated or standing around SMALLab can see and hear the dynamic media, and they can directly communicate with their peers that are interacting in the space. As such, the semi-immersive framework establishes a porous relationship between SMALLab and the larger physical learning environment. By mixed-reality, we mean that there is an integration of physical manipulation objects, 3D physical gestures, and digitally mediated components. By extensible, we mean that researchers, teachers, and students can create new learning scenarios in SMALLab using a set of custom designed authoring tools and programming interfaces. | English |
File Hosting and File Sharing[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags | |
File Factory | http://www.filefactory.com/ | FileFactory | Simple and easy free file hosting - 100GB of free file sharing space | English |
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ZoneAlarm Free Firewall | http://www.zonealarm.com/security/en-us/zonealarm-pc-security-free-firewall.htm | ZoneAlarm | Blocks hackers from infiltrating your home PC by hiding your computer from unsolicited network traffic. By detecting and preventing intrusions, ZoneAlarm Free Firewall keeps your PC free from viruses that slow down performance, and spyware that steals your personal information, passwords, and financial data. |
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Google Font Directory | http://code.google.com/webfonts |
Forum Software[]
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Simple Machines Forum | http://simplemachines.org/ | Simple Machines Forum — SMF in short — is a free, professional grade software package that allows you to set up your own online community within minutes. |
Free Software Lists[]
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Free Software Directory | http://directory.fsf.org/ | Free Software Foundation | A project of the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). We catalog useful free software that runs under free operating systems — particularly the GNU operating system and its GNU/Linux variants |
Game Creation Software[]
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di Gameworks (DIGW) | http://prototype.digw.org/ | di Gameworks | Game Creation; DIGW encourages users to create games drawing from DevInfo-supported databases that can be played online (competitively or as solitaire), or printed and played off-line. Game templates are based loosely on familiar games (for example, tic-tac-toe, familiar card games, well-known pencil-and-paper games, etc.), so they're not hard to learn! | English | Games | |||
Gamestar Mechanic | http://www.gamestarmechanic.com/ | Institute of Play and E-Line Media | Gamestar Mechanic is a game and community about playing, designing, and sharing games. | English | Games |
Google Android Educational Applications[]
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Google App Inventor for Android | Google.com | English |
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Zeega | http://zeega.org/ | Zeega is an open-source HTML5 platform for creating interactive documentaries and inventing new forms of storytelling. | English |
Information Organization[]
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Evernote | http://www.evernote.com/ | Remember everything and organize it. Capture anything. Access anywhere. Find things fast. | English | |||||
http:// | English |
iPhone Educational Applications[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags | |
The Chemical Touch - Lite Edition | http://www.brothersoft.com/mobile/the-chemical-touch--lite-edition-54377.html | Christopher Fennell | periodic table for your iPhone or iPod touch | English | chemistry | |||
CPR - Choking | http://www.brothersoft.com/mobile/cpr--choking-51423.html | Learn CPR | instant information on how to perform CPR and how to aid a choking victim | English | medicine | |||
eduMonkey | http://www.brothersoft.com/mobile/edumonkey-52947.html | eduMedia | eduMonkey teaches the complete multiplication and addition tables | English | mathematics | |||
Free Books | http://iphoneapplicationlist.com/2009/08/05/free-books/ | 23,469 books, the pillars of human literature, from Shakespeare to Cicero to Mark Twain, provided without cost- on your iPhone OR on your computer | English | Books | ||||
French Tutor | http://www.brothersoft.com/mobile/free-french-tutor-13553.html | http://www.247tutor.com/ | Learn or refresh your French; NATIVE SPEAKER audio for all words; Priority based optimization system; Entertaining PUZZLE GAME; WRITE-IN quiz to test language recall; Manual & automatic FLASH CARD method; Self contained, network access not required; MULTIPLE CHOICE quiz | English | French, Language Learning | |||
Graphing Calculator | http://www.freeiphoneapplications.com/education/graphing-calculator/ | Gabor Nagy | Allows you to graph various mathematical equations | English | French, Language Learning | |||
iChemistry | http://iphoneapplicationlist.com/2009/04/20/ichemistry/ | Kyle Moore | iChemistry balances equations and makes it easy to perform complex stoichiometric calculations in many units | English | chemistry | |||
iSSRN | http://ssrnblog.com/2009/11/19/ssrns-iphone-app-issrn-is-available/ | iSSRN, our free iPhone App, was released recently. It provides instant access to the latest Social Science and Humanities research in the SSRN eLibrary from scholars around the world. | English | |||||
MedCalc | http://www.brothersoft.com/mobile/medcalc-53199.html | Mathias Tschopp | a free medical calculator, that gives you easy access to complicated medical formulas and scores. | English, French, German and Spanish | medicine | |||
Micro-blogging and status updates | http://pbj.ca/ | Scale Engine | create your own mcro-blog / status updates | English | facebook, twitter | |||
Quad Solver | http://www.brothersoft.com/mobile/quad-solver-54211.html | Michael Ball | Allows you to easily solve quadratic equations; give you the discriminate of the equation; supports imaginary (complex) numbers | English, French, German and Spanish | medicine | |||
Spanish Essentials | http://www.brothersoft.com/mobile/free-spanish-essentials-13555.html | Renkara Media Group, Inc | Vocabulary recorded in high-quality, static-free audio, spaced repetition, audio quiz, search, organize your words, Study mode, Flashcard mode, and Quiz mode | English, Spanish | medicine | |||
textPlus | http://beta.gogii.com/v/textplus.html | GOGII | Free, unlimited texting for iPod touch and iPhone, Send texts over wifi -- no cell, edge or 3G required
Write texts in landscape mode -- finally, Send texts for free -- no cost, no limit, Group text conversations, Text with several friends, all at once. Everyone in the group gets every message. It’s like an instant chatroom in text, Push Notifications -- Never miss a message |
English | medicine | |||
WebMD Mobile | http://www.brothersoft.com/mobile/webmd-mobile-5570.html | WebMD | trusted medical information on demand - look up symptoms, find drug or treatment information or need basic first aid | English | medicine | |||
Wikiamo | http://limechat.net/wikiamo/ | Satoshi Nakagawa | Wikiamo shows wikipedia articles on your iPhone with custom formatting | English, Japanese | Wikipedia |
iPad Educational Applications[]
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ArcGIS | http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/arcgis/id379687930?mt=8 | iTunes | ArcGIS is a great way to discover and use maps. Maps come to life in ArcGIS. Tap on the map or use your current location and discover information about what you see. You can query the map, search and find interesting information, measure distances and areas of interest and share maps with others. | English | |||
CloudReaders | http://satoshi.blogs.com/uie/ | CloudReaders | CloudReaders is a free book/comic viewer, fully optimized for iPad. | English | |||
Dropbox | http://www.dropbox.com/ | Dropbox | Dropbox is the easiest way to sync and share your files online and across computers. | English | |||
EverNote | http://blog.evernote.com/2010/04/03/evernote-for-ipad-is-here/ | EverNote | http://blog.evernote.com/2010/04/05/evernote-for-ipad-video-overview-plus-updates/ | English | |||
Kids Fingerpainting Software | http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kids-finger-painting-for-ipad/id388861511?mt=8 | Mary Faulkner | version 2 | English | |||
Simplenote | http://www.simplenoteapp.com/ | Codality | People are using Simplenote to keep notes, lists, ideas and more. Your notes automatically synchronize with your computer and all your devices. It's extremely easy to use. For those who want more power, you can also use tags, pins, versions, and sharing. | English | |||
English |
Journal Software[]
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Open Journal Systems | http://techcommons.stanford.edu/topics/open-journal-systems | Stanford Tech Commons | Configuring Open Journal Systems (OJS) to work with Stanford's Virtual Host Proxy (aka, "vanity URL") service requires some configuration tweaks to get all paths working properly. When installing a new instance of OJS (or adding a new journal to an existing installation, with its own virtual host proxy), you'll need to make changes to the following files to get it working: | ||||
Math Tools[]
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Three Fractions Calculator - iFC-3 | http://webinfocentral.com/MATH/Fractions.aspx | WEBINFOCENTRAL.COM | Fractions calculator iFC-3 could perform arithmetic operations on up to 3 fractions, mixed or integer numbers simultaneously, for example: 5 2/7 * 1/3 + 3/11. Results are shown as either fraction or mixed number in reduced form with corresponding decimals. | ||||
Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 | http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=9caca722-5235-401c-8d3f-9e242b794c3a | Microsoft Mathematics provides a graphing calculator that plots in 2D and 3D, step-by-step equation solving, and useful tools to help students with math and science studies. | |||||
Media Players[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Apple iTunes | http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/ | Apple | Audio, video, and media player | Level | Multiple | access iTunes Universities here | |
Apple Quicktime | http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/ | Apple | Audio, video, and media player | Level | Multiple | ||
Real Player | http://www.real.com | Real Networks | Audio, video, flash and media player | Level | Multiple | ||
Windows Media Player | http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/10/default.aspx | Microsoft | Media player | Level | Multiple |
Mind Mapping Software[]
Add Subject - free, open educational software | Web Site | Made by | Other Info | Level | Languages | Tags | |
The Brain | http://www.thebrain.com | Powerful visual navigation and associative linking; Unlimited number of Thoughts and links; Multiple Thought selection, deletion and linking; Add Web pages to Thoughts; Built in HTML editor for Notes; Thought types, tags and properties; Instant search and full content search; Use BrainZips to quickly backup your Brain. Personal version is free. | |||||
FreeMind - free mind mapping software | http://toncar.cz/Tutorials/MindMaps/getting_started_with_freemind.html | http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page | A mind mapper, and at the same time an easy-to-operate hierarchical editor with strong emphasis on folding | ||||
Mind Node | http://www.mindnode.com/ | Mind Node | Collect, classify and structure ideas; organize, study and solve problems. Mind maps can be used for many different tasks – including to-do lists, brainstorming, holiday planning, research, writing, project management – and in many different environments – school, meetings, workspace. | ||||
INCLR | https://www.inclr.com/ | https://tbbse.com/inclr-the-future-of-visual-information-management-is-circular/ | Digitally take notes, organize thoughts, and track tasks. The platform takes all your data and organizes it into Information Clusters. |
Mobile Phone Educational Software[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
millee: mobile and immersive learning for literacy in emerging economies | http://www.millee.org/ | Matthew Kam, Shabnam Aggarwal | educational games on mobile phones for the emerging world |
Music Composition and Notation Software[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
MuseScore | http://www.musescore.org/ | Werner Schweer | Free music composition and notation software; WYSIWYG, notes are entered on a "virtual note sheet"; Unlimited number of staves; Up to four voices per staff; Easy and fast note entry with mouse, keyboard or MIDI; Integrated sequencer and FluidSynth software synthesizer; Import and export of MusicXML and Standard MIDI Files (SMF); Platform independent code, binaries available for Windows, Mac - e.g. Snow Leopard 6.8 - and Linux; bagpipe register. | Available in 20 languages |
Music Appreciation Software[]
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http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Educational_Software#Music_Appreciation_Software |
Last.fm | http://www.last.fm/ | Your listeners have probably started a page for you already. Join them, upload your music and earn royalties every time someone listens. Plus, because Last.fm recommends new music to fans, yours will be played to the right ears. It’s all free. | |||||
Pandora | http://www.pandora.com/ | Pandora Radio - Listen to Free Internet Radio, Find New Music | |||||
Spotify | http://www.spotify.com/int/new-user/ | Spotify | Any track you like, any time you like. Just search for it in Spotify, then play it. Any artist, any album, any genre | ||||
Narrative / Narration Software[]
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Storify | http://storify.com/ | Storify | Storify helps its users tell stories by curating social media. | Multiple |
Office Suites[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Google Docs | http://docs.google.com/ | Gmail, Google docs, iGoogle, Google Docs, Google Scholar, Google Books, Google Earth ... | Multiple | ||||
Microsoft Office 2010 Web Apps | http://www.microsoft.com/office/2010/en/office-web-apps/default.aspx | Store, edit, and share documents online | Multiple | ||||
OpenOffice | http://download.openoffice.org/ | Open Office | Free and Open Productivity Suite with word processor, spreadsheet, slideshow, etc. OpenOffice Wiki: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Main_Page | All ages |
Operating Systems[]
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Chrome | http://www.google.com/chrome | a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. Also an operating system. | http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2009/07/google-chrome-operating-system.html | ||||
Sugar Learning Environment | http://www.sugarlabs.org | Sugar Labs | the Open Source Software that runs on the XO - One Laptop per Child |
PDF Ebook[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
SmashWords | https://www.smashwords.com/about/how_to_publish_on_smashwords | Smash Words | Read your books online, print them out, or use e-reading devices like the Kindle or iPhone | Epublishing |
PDF to Text[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
PDF to Text - pdftotext(1) - Linux man page | http://linux.die.net/man/1/pdftotext | Die.net | Pdftotext converts Portable Document Format (PDF) files to plain text. |
Personal Communication and Collaboration Platforms[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Google Wave | http://wave.google.com/ | New tool for communication and collaboration on the web; a web based service, computing platform, and communications protocol designed to merge e-mail, instant messaging, wiki, and social networking. It has a strong collaborative and real-time focus supported by extensions that can provide, for example, robust spelling/grammar checking, automated translation between 40 languages, and numerous other extensions.- Real-time: In most instances, you can see what someone else is typing, character-by-character; Embeddability; Applications and Extensions; Wiki functionality; Open source; Playback; Natural language; Drag-and-drop file sharing | English |
Personal Finance[]
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Mint.com | http://mint.com/ | Mint.com | The best FREE way to manage your money. | English |
Photo Editing Software[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Gimp | http://www.gimp.org/downloads/ | freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages. (more...) | |||||
Toy viewer | http://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~ogihara/software/OSX/toyv-eng.html | Toy viewer | |||||
Vicmans | http://www.vicman.net/download.php?Title=VCW%20VicMans%20Photo%20Editor | VicMan Software | Free, for Windows only |
Physical Activity[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Skimble | http://www.thrillist.com/nation/skimble | Thrilllist | Skimble's a free service that lets you plan and track fun alternative workouts by helping you find outdoor activities in your area, coordinate group excursions, break down your workout performance, and motivate you to keep it up by comparing your day-to-day activity level with other peoples', who you'll soon come to realize don't have jobs, and are on steroids and meth | English | |||
Presentation Software[]
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Methopedia | http://designer.methopedia.eu/ | Share Learning Activities & Approaches - Share Learning Activities & Approaches | English, Estonian, German, Polish | ||||
Productivity and Collaboration Applications[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Google Docs | http://docs.google.com/ | Gmail, Google docs, iGoogle, Google Docs, Google Scholar, Google Books, Google Earth ... | Multiple | ||||
Zoho | http://www.zoho.com/ | Zoho is a suite of online applications (services) that you sign up for and access from our Website. The applications are free for individuals and some have a subscription fee for organizations. Our vision is to provide our customers (individuals, students, educators, non-profits, small and medium sized businesses) with the most comprehensive set of applications available anywhere (breadth); and for those applications to have enough features (depth) to make your user experience worthwhile. | English | ||||
Programming Languages[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Python | http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Markdown/2.0.3 | Python Software Foundation | remarkably powerful dynamic programming language that is used in a wide variety of application domains. Python is often compared to Tcl, Perl, Ruby, Scheme or Java. Some of its key distinguishing features include: very clear, readable syntax, strong introspection capabilities, intuitive object orientation, natural expression of procedural code, full modularity, supporting hierarchical packages, exception-based error handling, very high level dynamic data types, extensive standard libraries and third party modules for virtually every task, extensions and modules easily written in C, C++ (or Java for Jython, or .NET languages for IronPython), embeddable within applications as a scripting interface | English | |||
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Blog Talk Radio | http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ | BlogTalkRadio.com | Create your own online radio show | Any | |||
Scaling Software[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
How to Learn More Scalability | http://code.google.com/p/memcached/wiki/HowToLearnMoreScalability | code.google.com | Steve Yen | English | |||
Scaling Software - Wikipedia Internals, Configuration, Code Examples, Management Issues | http://www.scribd.com/doc/43868/Wikipedia-site-internals-workbook-2007 | English |
Scientific Research and the Classroom Software[]
Add Subject - free, open Science Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
STAR: Software Tools for Academics and Researchers | http://ocw.mit.edu/resources/res-tl-002-star-software-tools-for-academics-and-researchers-spring-2012/ | MIT OCW | The Software Tools for Academics and Researchers (STAR) program at MIT seeks to bridge the divide between scientific research and the classroom. Understanding and applying research methods in the classroom setting can be challenging due to time constraints and the need for advanced equipment and facilities. | ||||
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CamStudio | http://camstudio.org/ | CamStudio Open Source | CamStudio is able to record all screen and audio activity on your computer and create industry-standard AVI video files and using its built-in SWF Producer can turn those AVIs into lean, mean, bandwidth-friendly Streaming Flash videos (SWFs) | ||||
Jing Project | http://www.techsmith.com/jing.html | TechSmith | Make Machinimas, and Snap a picture of your screen, record video of onscreen action, share instantly over the web, IM, email ... The fun and simple way to share images and short videos of your computer screen, all for FREE | ||||
Quinnelly, Travis. 2009. 5 Free Screencasting Apps for Creating Video Tutorials. makeuseof.com |
Second Life Tools[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Sloodle | http://www.sloodle.org/moodle/ | Sloodle | Browser | SLOODLE is an Open Source project which integrates the multi-user virtual environment of Second Life® with the Moodle® learning-management system. SLOODLE provides a range of tools for supporting learning and teaching to the immersive virtual world; tools which are integrated with a tried and tested leading web-based learning management system. See Moodle. | SecondLife | ||
vCOMM Presenter | http://www.vcommpresenter.com/ | vCOMM | Powerpoint Presentations in Second Life; Upload Powerpoint and PDF presentations directly into the vComm Presenter. |
Security Software[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
HTTPS Everywhere | https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere | Browser | HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox extension produced as a collaboration between The Tor Project and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. It encrypts your communications with a number of major websites. | ||||
Simulations, Applets and Visualizations[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Simulations, Applets and Visualizations | http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/simulations-applets-and-visualizations/ | MIT | These MIT courses contain simulations, applets and visualizations. | ||||
Slide Sharing Software[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Author Stream | http://www.authorstream.com | Author Stream | Do more with powerpoint. | ||||
Slide Share | http://www.slideshare.net | Slide Share | Upload and share your PowerPoint presentations, Word documents and Adobe PDF Portfolios on SlideShare. Share publicly or privately. Add audio to make a webinar. |
Social Bookmarking[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Delicious | http://delicious.com/ | Del.icio.us | Delicious is a social bookmarking service that allows users to tag, save, manage and share web pages from a centralized source. With emphasis on the power of the community, Delicious greatly improves how people discover, remember and share on the Internet. | ||||
Diigo | http://groups.diigo.com/groups/diigoineducation | Diigo | Highlight and Share the Web; social bookmarking and web annotation capabilities | ||||
Digg | http://digg.com | Digg | Digg is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. From the biggest online destinations to the most obscure blog, Digg surfaces the best stuff as voted on by our users. You won’t find editors at Digg — we’re here to provide a place where people can collectively determine the value of content and we’re changing the way people consume information online. |
Social Media Classroom & Forums[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Engrade | http://www.engrade.com/ | Engrade | Engrade is a free set of web-based tools for educators allowing them to manage their classes online while providing parents and students with 24/7 real-time online access. It's private, secure, truly free, and unbelievably easy to use with over 1.5 million users. | All ages | |||
Edmodo | http://www.edmodo.com/ | Edmodo | Edmodo is a free and secure social learning network for teachers, students and schools. Edmodo provides classrooms a safe and easy way to connect and collaborate, offering a real-time platform to exchange ideas, share content, and access homework, grades and school notices. Accessible online and from any mobile device via free smart phone applications, Edmodo has grown from a teacher tool into a district-wide resource as word of the free online service spreads through schools around the world. | All ages | |||
Mozilla Drumbeat | http://www.drumbeat.org | Mozilla | Facilitates a better, more open internet by creating community around the world. It's a launch-pad and a playground – an open web hub that sits at the intersection of community, resources and funding. | All ages | |||
Net Squared | http://www.netsquared.org/ | Net Squared | Share your ideas! Tools to share ideas on the web. | All ages | Remixing the web for social change | ||
Social Media Classroom | http://socialmediaclassroom.com/index.php/ | Howard Rheingold | Classroom and Collaboratory Software | All ages | |||
http:// | All ages |
Statistical Software[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Datamasher | http://www.datamasher.org/ | Forum One Communications | State data. Mash it. | ||||
Gapminder | http://www.gapminder.org/ | Gapminder Foundation | Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. | ||||
Scilab | http://www.scilab.org/download/index_download.php | Scilab | The open source platform for numerical computation |
Survey and Polling Software[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags | |
AskClass.net | http://askclass.net/poll/ | Charlie Balch | AskClass.net - find out what folks think. | All ages | ||||
Lime Survey Software | http://www.limesurvey.org/ | Lime Survey | easy and free open source survey application | All ages | ||||
Survey Monkey | http://www.surveymonkey.com | Survey Monkey | a simple way to create surveys | All ages |
Text to Audio[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
BlogBard | http://www.blogbard.com/blodio/blogmainpage | Browser | BlogBard can turn any news/feed into a personalized radio. You can integrate it with your blog using a widget. You can listen to your favorite blogs on your iPod and your iPhone or listen to blogs in your Google Reader, or Bloglines account, by logging in through our website. | English | |||
Browse Aloud | http://www.browsealoud.com/page.asp?pg_id=80004 | Browser | English | ||||
iSpeech | http://iSpeech.org/ | Browser | English | ||||
LibriVox | http://librivox.org/ | Browser | LibriVox provides free audiobooks from the public domain. There are several options for listening. The first step is to get the mp3 or ogg files into your own computer. See also Library Resources | English | |||
NeoSpeech | http://www.neospeech.com/ | Browser | Neospeech provides high quality Text to speech or Text to voice products and services. Free SDK are available upon request. | English | |||
Read Aloud | http://read-aloud.smartcode.com/ | Browser | Read aloud text, text file, word document, pdf file, web page, clipboard text, keystroke. Convert text... | English | |||
SpokenText | http://www.spokentext.net/ | Browser | a Firefox add on that not only allows you to covert your text to voice but it also gives you an option to record English, French and German PDF, Word, Txt files, Powerpoint files, Rss Feed, emails and websites automatically. Spoken Text is a great service if your always on the go and have have little time to read and catch up with your favorite sites | English | |||
VozMe | http://vozme.com/index.php?lang=en | Browser | allows the user to save the text as an mp3 file. All you have to do is enter your text in the content box and click “create mp3″. It will create mp3 of the text and give you an option to listen or download it. | English | |||
Yakitome | http://www.yakitome.com/ | Browser | easily convert text files into downloadable Mp3/Wav files. Using this free web service you can listen to work documents, homework, PowerPoint presentations, emails, RSS feeds, blogs and novels. It can speak multiple languages like English, Spanish, French, German. | English | |||
Your own computer often has text to audio, or 'read aloud,' software on it. | Browser | English |
Textbook Collaborative Production[]
Add Subject - free, open Textbooks | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Connexions | http://cnx.org/ | Connexions | a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc. Anyone may view or contribute: authors create and collaborate; instructors rapidly build and share custom collections; learners find and explore content |
Time Line Software[]
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http:// |
Time Management[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
SLife | http://www.slifeweb.com/ | SLife | Productivity, Time Management and Communications software through activity analytics. Slife helps you understand how you spend time in the computer. It automatically observes as you interact with applications, documents and web sites. Easy, simple, open source. |
Transcription Software[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Languages | Tags |
f4 is our free transcription software for audio and video recordings | http://www.audiotranskription.de/english/f5 | f4 supports your transcription process, meaning your personal typing of video or audio recordings from interview situations. It simplifies the transcription work as you can slow down the playback speed, control via keys (also while using Word), (automatically) insert time markers and auto text via key combinations. Moreover, the audio stream is automatically rewinded a few seconds when pressing the Stop key. | |||||
f5 - free transcription software for Mac | http://www.audiotranskription.de/english/f5 | f5 is the Mac version of f4, our standard program for scientific transcription. f5 reads audio files and video files, and considerably alleviates the transcription of interviews. f5 is a program which supports the transcription progress, the progress of manually writing down interview situations from video or audio files. Your work is alleviated by f5, because it slows down the playback speed without changing the pitch. You can control the playback with a footswitch or shortcuts. Whenever you pause the playback, f5 automatically rewinds it. An innovative function of f5 is that it synchronises your text with your current media file by adding a cue point to every paragraph. This allows you to directly jump to the passage you want to replay. | |||||
VoiceWalker - Transcription in Action - RESOURCES FOR THE REPRESENTATION OF LINGUISTIC INTERACTION | http://www.linguistics.ucsb.edu/projects/transcription/tools.html | Department of Linguistics, University of California, Santa Barbara | VoiceWalker is a transcriber's tool, designed to help you transcribe audio or video recordings. VoiceWalker lets you play back the sound in a controlled way, with the benefit of being able to systematically step (or "walk") through a recording, repeating short segments for a specified number of repetitions, then moving on to the next segment. The segments overlap, so that the transcriber does not become disoriented. VoiceWalker assumes that you have digitized your recordings as computer files to work with them more easily (for information on how to digitize, see the VoiceWalker manual). VoiceWalker is free, available for Windows only. | ||||
http:// |
Translation Software[]
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Babel Fish | http://babelfish.yahoo.com/ | Yahoo | a web-based application on Yahoo! that machine translates text or web pages from one of several languages into another; It translates among English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, and Spanish. | ||||
Google Translator | http://translate.google.com/translate_t# | 52 language combinations |
Translation Software - Virtual Worlds[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Languages | Tags |
Ferd's Free Translator | http://secondlife.mitsi.com/secondlife/xlate/ | Second Life | http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Ferd_Frederix | 51 languages: Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindu, Hungary, Indonesian, Irish, Islandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Welsh, Yiddish | |||
Language Translator - by Simbolic | http://world.secondlife.com/place/9a7eca9b-0f19-2d47-04f6-12360456409e | Second Life | Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, English, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish |
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Languages | Tags |
Tutor Daily | http://tutordaily.info/ | All ages | TutorDaily is a question and answer wiki written by and for YOU; like private tutoring and learning centers; all educational questions; make your question detailed, specific, clear and simple.
No question is too trivial or too "newbie". |
English | |||
Wiki Answers | http://wiki.answers.com/ | Enter a question or phrase... | All ages |
TV - Live Broadcasting[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
justin.tv | http://www.justin.tv/ | Justin TV - http://www.justin.tv/directory/educational | Broadcast your teaching. Live broadcasting in one click. Justin.tv is an online community for people to broadcast, watch and interact around live video. Full video material stored for 7 days only. Clips stored for longer. | Multiple languages | |||
Open Video Alliance | http://openvideoalliance.org/ | Open Video Allicance | The Open Video Alliance is a coalition of organizations and individuals committed to the idea that the power of moving image should belong to everyone; Advocacy group. | Multiple languages | |||
UStream | http://www.ustream.tv/ | UStream - http://www.ustream.tv/get-started | Live interactive video broadcast platform that enables anyone with a camera and an Internet connection to quickly and easily broadcast to a global audience of unlimited size. Broadcast video LIVE to the world from a computer, mobile or iPhone in minutes, or watch thousands of shows from News to Entertainment to celebrities, 24/7. | Multiple languages |
Twitter for Learning[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Edu-Tweets | http://twitter.com/edu_tweets | Edu-Tweets | Finding and posting the most interesting education links on the web. | Many Levels | English | ||
Educational Freeware | http://twitter.com/EduFreeware | http://www.educational-freeware.com | Most popular educational freeware, mostly for kids, but also for adults. | Many Levels | English | ||
Learning Today | http://twitter.com/LearningToday | Online Educational Software for individualized Reading and Math Instruction | Many Levels | English | |||
Learning in Second Life | http://twitter.com/learninginworld | where educational institutions are using Second Life as a cost-effective platform to augment an existing curriculum or explore new mode | Many Levels | English | virtual worlds | ||
Second Life Education Programs' manager, Linden Lab | http://twitter.com/claudialinden | shares great examples and ideas about education in Second Life | Many Levels | English | virtual worlds |
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Gabe's Typometer 2 | http://www.informatics.no/progvareTMLoc.htm | Gabe's TypOmeter is a utility which measures how much you are typing, and the speed you are typing with. The TypOmeter is analogue, and everything is animated just like an oldfashioned speedometer! |
Video Communication[]
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Google Video Conferencing | Free calls, video calls and instant messaging over the internet. | Multiple | |||||
iChat | http://www.apple.com/macosx/what-is-macosx/ichat.html | Apple | Free calls, video calls and instant messaging over the internet. | Multiple | |||
Oovoo | http://www.oovoo.com/ | Oovoo | ooVoo offers the ability to video chat face to face with family and friends, anytime and anywhere. With ooVoo you can have free video chats one on one, or have a group video chat with up to 6 people at once! | Multiple | |||
Skype | http://www.skype.com/ | Skype | Free calls, video calls and instant messaging over the internet. | Conference calls and group instant messaging | Multiple |
Video Capture Software[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Handbrake | http://handbrake.fr/ | Handbrake | HandBrake is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows. HandBrake is a video transcoder that takes your movies and transfers them to a format that's useful on your computers, media centers, and portable electronic devices. It converts most any video formats to a handful of modern ones. | ||||
Jing Project | http://www.jingproject.com | Jing | Make Machinimas, and Snap a picture of your screen, record video of onscreen action, share instantly over the web, IM, email | ||||
PowerGramo | http://www.powergramo.com/ | PowerGramo | Skype recorder; PowerGramo skype recorder is a perfect tool to record skype calls easily, and extends skype with music sharing, answering machine and text to speech reader |
Video-Streaming Hosting Services[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Blip TV | http://blip.tv/ | Blip | Free video hosting, 10 minute length limit | All Levels | English | ||
BioScreenCast | http://bioscreencast.com/ | BioScreenCast | Capturing the life sciences frame by frame | Level | Languages | ||
Bright Talk | http://www.brighttalk.com/ | BrightTalk | Record up to 30 minutes of video for free | Level | Languages | ||
Daily Motion | http://www.dailymotion.com/us | Daily Motion | Other Info | All Level | Languages | ||
dotSUB! Any Video Any Language | http://dotsub.com | dotSub | Other Info | All Levels | Any Video, Any Language. On dotSUB you can view, upload, transcribe, and translate any video into and from any language. | Transcriptions, Translations, Any Language | |
Flickr Video | http://www.flickr.com/ | Made by Flickr | Other Info | All Level | Languages | ||
Kyte.tv | http://www.kyte.tv/home/index.html | Made by | Other Info | Level | Languages | ||
Livestream (formerly "Mogulus") | http://www.livestream.com/platform/livetvbroadcasts/features | Made by | Internet television - manage, produce, and distribute your channel. | Level | Languages | ||
SciVee - Making Science Visible | http://www.scivee.tv/ | Made by | Share your science and technology through publications, posters, papers, or slides combined with video and science communities. | Level | Languages | ||
Ustream | http://www.ustream.tv/ | Ustream | Other Info | Level | Languages | ||
Viddler | http://www.viddler.com/ | Viddler | The best way to watch and publish your videos | Level | Languages | ||
Vimeo | http://vimeo.com/ | Made by | Other Info | Level | Languages | ||
Youtube | http://youtube.com | Broadcast yourself for free, 10 minute length, 100 MB limit | All Levels | English | |||
Name | Web Site | Made by | Other Info | Level | Languages |
Video-Streaming Software for Your Mobile Phone[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Qik Mobile Live Video Sharing Software | http://qik.com | Qik | Share live video from your phone |
Virtual Worlds as Fora, Classrooms, Building Sites, Design Sites, Art Studios, etc.[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Google Building Maker | http://sketchup.google.com/3dwh/buildingmaker.html | add buildings to Google Earth | |||||
Google Earth | http://earth.google.com | ||||||
Open Cobalt | http://www.duke.edu/~julian/Cobalt/Home.html | Duke University | virtual workspace browser and construction toolkit for accessing, creating, and publishing hyperlinked multi-user virtual environments. It makes it possible for people to freely create and share highly capable and interlinked multi-user virtual workspaces, game-based learning and training environments, and virtual exhibit spaces that can run on all major software operating systems. All this without the need to buy virtual land or pay any service or licensing fees! | ||||
Open Simulator | http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Main_Page | Open Sim | free, open source virtual world software | ||||
Open Wonderland | http://openwonderland.org/ | Open Wonderland | free, open source virtual world software | ||||
Quest Atlantis | http://atlantis.crlt.indiana.edu/ | Quest Atlantis (QA) is an international learning and teaching project that uses a 3D multi-user environment to immerse children, ages 9-16, in educational tasks. QA combines strategies used in the commercial gaming environment with lessons from educational research on learning and motivation. Participation in this game is designed to enhance the lives of children while helping them grow into knowledgeable, responsible, and empathetic adults. |
Massively Multiplayer Game Released as Free Culture and Free Software | ||||
Ryzom | http://www.ryzom.com/en | Winch Gate Properties Ltd. | an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) | Creative Commons | |||
Second Life | http://secondlife.com | Linden Lab | free to use, teen and adult grid, pay to build, currency for buying and selling |
Visualization of Complex Networks Software and Resources[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
VisualComplexity | http://www.visualcomplexity.com/vc/about.cfm | VisualComplexity.com | VisualComplexity.com intends to be a unified resource space for anyone interested in the visualization of complex networks. The project's main goal is to leverage a critical understanding of different visualization methods, across a series of disciplines, as diverse as Biology, Social Networks or the World Wide Web |
Web Design Software[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
Filezilla | http://filezilla-project.org/ | Mozilla | for ftp (file transfer protocol) uploading and downloading | ||||
TextWrangler | http://www.barebones.com/products/textwrangler/ | BBEdit | for simple html editing | ||||
Web Page Design and Production: | http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Web_Page_Design_and_Production | World University and School | wiki teaching and learning resources for web design and production | ||||
http:// |
Web Meeting Software[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
DimDim Web Meeting Software | http://www.dimdim.com/opensource/dimdim_open_source_community_edition.html | DimDim | Dimdim lets anyone deliver synchronized live presentations, whiteboards and web pages and share their voice and video over the Internet - with no download required. | Dimdim Open Source Community Edition v4.5 “Liberty” is meant for developers, highly technical enthusiasts and for use in non-critical environments |
Website Copier[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
HTTrack Website Copier - Free software offline browser | http://www.httrack.com/ | It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. |
Wiki Software[]
Add Subject - free, open Educational Software Tools | Web Site | Organization (if any) | Degree / Non-degree | Location | Other Info | Language | Tags |
MediaWiki | http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki | All ages | Server side Wiki Softwre; MediaWiki is a free software wiki package written in PHP, originally for use on Wikipedia. It is now used by several other projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation and by many other wikis, including this website, the home of MediaWiki. | ||||
Semantic MediaWiki | http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Semantic_MediaWiki | All ages | is a free extension of MediaWiki – the wiki-system powering Wikipedia – that helps to search, organise, tag, browse, evaluate, and share the wiki's content. While traditional wikis contain only text which computers can neither understand nor evaluate, SMW adds semantic annotations that let you easily publish Semantic Web content, and allow the wiki to function as a collaborative database. | ||||
Sputnik | http://luanova.org/sputnik/ | All ages | Sputnik is a second-generation extensible wiki engine written in Lua. First generation wikis (like the original WikiWIki) opened our eyes to the possibility of easy collaborative content generation, with automatic revision control. | ||||
Wikia's Wikis | http://www.wikia.com/wiki/Wikia | Wikia | Free wiki software | All ages | |||
Wikispaces | http://www.wikispaces.com/ | Wikispaces | Free wiki version available. Easy to use | All ages |
WUaS Idea- and Academic Resources[]
Publish my article in a WUaS academic journal in this subject[]
Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project.
(WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at http://www.academia.edu).
Select Bibliographies[]
Select Blogs, Blog Aggregators[]
Select Book Groups, Study Groups, Musical Groups, etc.[]
Begin a Google + Hangout:
MIT UnHangouts - https://unhangout.media.mit.edu/
Calendar: https://www.google.com/calendar/
Select Book Reviews[]
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Add an ISBN.
'Select Chapters'
Select Calendars for Events in this Subject[]
Select Call for Papers, Chapters, Submissions, etc.[]
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(See also editable World University and School's 'You at World University' page: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/You_at_World_University).
Select Conference Materials[]
Select Conferences, Conferences Online[]
Select Conversations / Dialogues / Idea Competitions[]
Select Databases[]
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Google + Hangouts, UnHangouts, Group Video, etc.[]
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Select Institutes, etc.[]
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Select Journals, Serials, etc.[]
Select Labs[]
Select Lectures[]
Select Libraries, Archives, Collections, Repositories, etc.[]
CNET Download Educational Software. 2013. http://download.cnet.com/windows/educational-software/ Educational Software]. download.cnet.com/windows/educational-software/.
Gizmo's Freeware Best Free Educational Software. 2013. Best Free Educational Software. techsupportalert.com/view/educational .
Wikipedia List of educational software. 2013. List of educational software. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_educational_software .
(See also editable World University and School's Library Resources' page: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Library_Resources).
Select Maps[]
Mizushima, Tsukasa. 2011. India Place Finder. Tokyo, Japan: Mizushima Lab at The University of Tokyo.
Select Multimedia[]
Select Museums[]
(See also editable World University and School's Museums' page: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Museums).
Select Newspapers, News[]
Select Office Hours[]
Select Poetry[]
Select Photos[]
Select Programs, Applications, Languages, Software[]
Audacity. 2011. http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ (Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems).
CNET Educational Software. 2014. CNET educational software download. SF, CA: download.cnet.com/mac/educational-software/ .
Evernote. 2012. Evernote. (Remember everything and organize it. Capture anything. Access anywhere. Find things fast. See also Devon Think and Tinderbox - http://gigaom.com/apple/faceoff-devonthink-pro-office-vs-evernote-premium/). Evernote.
Google Apps for Education. 2014. Google Apps for Education - Free email and collaboration tools for schools. Mountain View, CA: Google, Inc.
HTTPS Everywhere. 2014. HTTPS Everywhere. San Francisco, CA: eff.org/https-everywhere .
IBM Watson Developer Cloud. 2015. IBM Watson Developer Cloud. Armonk, NY: ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/developercloud/ .
MindTapCengage. 2011. My Favorite Textbook: The Next Generation. (Mindtap Learning Path digital learning application for Harvard Law Professor's Greg Mankiw's 'Macroeconomics' text book; Chris Vento, with Cheryl Lazar at TED Studios). June 6. Cambridge, MA: gregmankiw.blogspot.com
TED Ed - Lessons Worth Sharing. 2012. TED Ed - Lessons Worth Sharing. (TED-Ed Website Tour - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQDgE_eJGTM). TED Ed.
Select Questions, Inquiries, Problems[]
Select Quotes, Quotations, etc.[]
Select RSS Feeds[]
Select Recordings[]
Select References[]
Alcock, Mike. 2015. Creating An Online Learning Platform From Scratch. April 3. elearningindustry.com/creating-online-learning-platform-scratch .
Connell, Genia. 2012. My 35 Favorite Free Apps for Teaching. December 20. scholastic.com/teachers/top-teaching/2012/12/my-35-favorite-free-apps-teaching.
Despres, Draxtor. 2014. the drax files radio hour (with jo yardley). Berlin, DE: draxfiles.com/2014/03/14/show-10-oculus/.
Free e-Learning Resources. 2011. Free e-Learning Resources. blog.efrontlearning.net.
Gerald, Olympia Shilpa. 2012. Village children take the Skype route to education. July 9. New Dehli, India: The Hindu.
Introducing the Learning Dashboard. 2014. Introducing the Learning Dashboard. khanacademy.org/about/blog/post/58354379257/introducing-the-learning-dashboard .
Kolowich, Steve. 2013. With Open Platform, Stanford Seeks to Reclaim MOOC Brand. Palo Alto, Calif: Chronicle of Higher Education.
Lifshits, Yury. 2011. 100+ Online Resources That Are Transforming Education. January 7. Mashable.com.
ltjohhed. 2012. Free/Open Deduplication Software?. January 4. ask.slashdot.org.
Massive study on MOOCs. 2015. Massive study on MOOCs: Harvard, MIT report provides new insights on an evolving space. April 1. Cambridge, MA: news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2015/04/massive-study-on-moocs/ .
MasterPatricko. 2011. OpenSUSE 12.1 Released. November 16. linux.slashdot.org.
MIT Center for Mobile Learning @ The Media Lab. 2012. MIT Center for Mobile Learning @ The Media Lab. Cambridge, MA: mitmobilelearning.org.
MIT Media Lab. 2012. What I did on my summer vacation Or, The Media Lab at Aspen Ideas Festival 2012. San Franscisco, CA: Storify.com.
Nesson, Charles. 2011. free to all. May 25. Cambridge, MA: blogs.law.harvard.edu/nesson.
Quinnelly, Travis. 2009. 5 Free Screencasting Apps for Creating Video Tutorials. makeuseof.com.
timothy. 2012. Best Software For Putting Lectures Online? December 31. hardware.slashdot.org.
Screen Recording Software
10 Free Screen Recording Softwares For Creating Attractive Screencasts. 2009. 10 Free Screen Recording Softwares For Creating Attractive Screencasts. (Windows, Mac). webresourcesdepot.com.
androidandosx. 2011. Top 5 Free Screen Recording Utilities for Mac OSX. (Mac) (Quicktime in MacOS Snowleopard, IShowU HD, Jing, CaptureMe, Copernicus).
Select Reviews[]
Select Search Engines[]
Select Simulations, Applets and Visualizations[]
Select Slideshows[]
Deeds, David. 2012. Best Practices Showcase: 3D Virtual Worlds in (K-12/International) Schools. March 13. slideshare.net.
Select Societies, Associations, Groups, Networks, etc.[]
Select Study Guides[]
Select Surveys[]
Select Syllabi[]
Select Teachers with Email Addresses/Contact Information[]
Select Tests, Exams, etc.[]
Select Textbooks[]
Select Theses, Dissertations, Papers, etc.[]
Select Timelines[]
Select Twitters[]
Select Video and Audio[]
Binkley, Ken. 2010. Immune Attack Demo. Federation of American Scientists.
Digital Scores - Top 10 technical advantages of having our music in MuseScore format. 2013. Digital Scores - Top 10 technical advantages of having our music in MuseScore format. Youtube.com.
Doherty, Paul. 2012. Exploratorium Tour - Part 1 of 5. San Francisco, CA: KirkwoodSLGroup.
Hope, Alexis. 2015. FOLD, a new tool for storytelling. Cambridge, MA: vimeo.com/125113571 .
Pesenti, Jerome. 2014. Cognitive Computing: New Ways of Developing Software for a New Era of Computing (SATURN Keynote). Pittsburgh, PA: Software Engineering Institute | Carnegie Mellon University Youtube channel.
Recording Skype calls for Free w/ Audacity. 2010. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlPT7b-Hkuk (for interviews). YouTube.
Monroy-Hernandez, Andres. 2012. Designing for Remixing: Computer-supported Social Creativity. Cambridge, MA: cyber.law.harvard.edu.
Starner, Thad. 2013. Thad Starner on Singularity 1 on 1: Reduce the Time Between Intention and Action. Nikola Danaylov Youtube channel.
Stegman, Melanie. 2011. ImmuneAttack SMHS Feb 2011. Federation of American Scientists.
TED Ed - Lessons Worth Sharing. 2012. - TED-Ed Website Tour. (http://ed.ted.com/ TED Ed - Lessons Worth Sharing). TED Ed.
Van Deusen-Scholl, Nelleke. 2014. Yale Center for Language Study Shared Course Initiative. (At the Online Education Open Forum held on February 24, 2014, Nelleke Van Deusen-School, Director of the Center for Language Study, shared the collaborative arrangement with Cornell and Columbia to share less commonly taught languages, offer several languages that are not otherwise taught on our campuses, via videoconferencing from a partner institution in the CLS Shared Course Initiative). New Haven, CT: Yale University.
Select Video Conferences[]
Select Videocasts and Podcasts[]
Select Websites[]
Educational Freeware. 2013. Educational Freeware. educational-freeware.com/.
Khan Academy Knowledge Map. 2014. Khan Academy Knowledge Map. khanacademy.org/exercisedashboard .
MediaWiki Administration and Development. 2012. MediaWiki Administration and Development: Administration and optimization of a MediaWiki installation. codelesson.com.
Teach Your Technology. 2012. Teach Your Technology: Bring your technical expertise to the CodeLesson learning community. codelesson.com.
Wi-Phi: open access philosophy. 2013. Wi-Phi: open access philosophy. New Haven, CT: wi-phi.com/.
Select Wikidata Queries[]
Select Wikis[]
WikiBase (http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Wikibase_Client)
WikiData (http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata)
Select Workshops[]
Select Writers, Researchers, etc.[]
Subjects' Social Networking Sites[]
Wikimedia Commons[]
Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Wikipedia: https://www.wikipedia.org/
Wikiquotes: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Main_Page
Wikisource: https://wikisource.org/wiki/Main_Page
Wikivoyage: https://www.wikivoyage.org/
World University and School Links[]
Education: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Education
One Laptop per Child: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/One_Laptop_per_Child_-_XO_Laptop_-_$100_Laptop_-_MIT
Programming: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Programming
Software Libraries: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Software_Libraries
Theories of Learning subject: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Theories_of_Learning
Web Page Design and Production: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Web_Page_Design_and_Production
New WUaS in MediaWiki: http://worlduniversityandschool.org/mediawiki-1.24.1/index.php?title=Main_Page
Academic Advising at WUaS[]
Academic Press at World University and School[]
Academic Press at World University and School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Academic_Press_at_World_University_and_School
Access to Live, or Email, University Technical Expertise[]
Ask a question in a specific discipline, or find, for example, a Robotics' or Computer programmer, or Translator, easily and freely.
Additional Categories[]
MSI Afterburner
Through MSI you can control your graphic card
It's and overclocking software
download it form this link
Starbucks Near Me Site
Now Starbucks has introduced a site through which you can search Starbucks Near Me on Google Map
In 1971 Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegi, and Gordon Bowker have founded this amazing company, now working in more than 80 countries. In the mid-1980s the company was sold to Howard Schultz. The first shop was opened in Seattle. Initially, they were only selling coffee beans but with the passage of time, they have added drinks and foods in the stores.[1]
Admissions at World University and School[]
Admissions' Department: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School
Flyer seeking degree-oriented, WUaS students: 'Quaker-informed World University & School seeks friendly, undergraduate students for free, online, Greatest Universities-centric, bachelor’s degrees to apply in the autumn of 2013, for matriculation in autumn 2014' - http://scottmacleod.com/WUaSFriendsFlyerforProspectiveStudentApplicants.pdf - and accessible here, also - http://scottmacleod.com/WUaSNoticeArchive.html. WUaS holds open, electronically-mediated, hour-long, monthly business meeting on the second Saturdays at 9 am Pacific Time, in the manner of Quakers - email worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com if you'd like to participate.
Digital and Print catalog
Assistive Technologies[]
WUaS plans to anticipate numerous developing assistive technologies for sight-impaired, hearing-impaired, and similar -
Assistive Technologies: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Assistive_Technologies
Blog at World University and School[]
Bookstore / Computer Store (New & Used) at World University and School[]
Bookstore / Computer Store (New & Used) at WUaS: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Bookstore_/_Computer_Store_%28New_%26_Used%29_at_WUaS
with educational electronics, as well; with musical instruments; value pricing ... 2% below market, consistently; available via mail and electronically;
Calendar (Schedule what you'd like to teach)[]
Calendar: https://www.google.com/calendar/
Join the World University and School Google + Group to add to its wiki-like calendar to teach an open, free class or course, converse about ideas, and jam (e.g. musically or theater improvisation): https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108179352492243955816/ .
Career counseling: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Career_counseling
Finding / creating a job you really love: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Finding_/_creating_a_job_you_really_love
WUaS Job hunting: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_Job_hunting
Counseling: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Counseling
Geodetic datums such as WGS84 or GPS
Geohash keys
... in a virtual world
Many thanks to each of you!
Please feel free to hyperlink your name to a location of your choice (or tell WUaS where to link to - worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com). Please do not hesitate to let WUaS know if you think that somebody (including yourself) has been forgotten, now or in the future; please include a URL, which is, of course, one main way identity created on the internet.
Digital To Do[]
Brainwave device / Headset
Broadcast to radio frequencies
Broadcast to TV / television
Create EMail group for page
Digital Text to Audio file format (Browse Aloud / Read Aloud?)
Google Glass
MIT OCW Mirror Site Instructions: http://ocw.mit.edu/about/mirror-site-program/mirror-site-instructions/
Oculus Rift
Publish to DVD
Send to phone
Free Degrees / Credit[]
MIT OCW Audio Video Courses: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/audio-video-courses/
Admissions at World University and School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School
Conference Method of Teaching and Learning: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Conference_Method_of_Teaching_and_Learning
The College at World University and School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School
Ph.D. Degrees at World University and School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Ph.D._Degrees_at_World_University_and_School
World University Law School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Law_School
World University Medical School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Medical_School
World University Music School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Music_School
WUaS International Baccalaureate Diploma and Programme: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_International_Baccalaureate_Diploma_and_Programme
(beginning with United Nations' languages - Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, Russian, Spanish)
In Google Earth[]
Google Earth.
In Virtual World[]
(Search on the word 'lists' here, too: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Virtual_Worlds)
3D Learn. 2013. http://www.learningin3d.info/
Active Worlds Educational Universe (AWEDU). 2012. http://www.activeworlds.com
Alice. 2012. http://www.alice.org/
Minecraft. 2012. www.minecraft.net
Edusim. 2013. http://edusim3d.com/
Gifted Kids.ie. 2013. http://www.giftedkids.ie/daynuv.html
ISTE – SIGMS. 2013. http://sigms.iste.wikispaces.net/secondlifeplayground2010
Kaneva. 2014. http://www.kaneva.com/
Open Cobalt. 2013. http://www.opencobalt.org/
OpenSim. 2012. http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Main_Page (http://www.scribd.com/doc/57959626/OpenSimulator-School-Quick-Start-Guide)
Open Croquet. 2012. http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?OpenCroquet and http://www.opencroquet.org/
Open Wonderland. 2012. http://openwonderland.org/
Primary Games. 2013. http://www.primarygames.com/arcade/virtualworlds.php
Quest Atlantis. 2012. http://atlantisremixed.org/ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZoT3pilNPI).
SimScience. 2012. http://simscience.org/
Second Life - Harvard's virtual island. 2012. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Berkman/115/53/25 - and teach, learn and share ideas - in group voice chat, or in group type chat, and via building.
SmallWorlds. 2014. https://www.smallworlds.com/
There.com. 2014. http://www.there.com/
Twinity. 2014. http://www.twinity.com/en/choose-your-free-avatar
Unity3D. 2012. http://unity3d.com/
WiloStar3D. 2013. https://www.wilostar3d.com/
World of Warcraft in School. 2014. http://wowinschool.pbworks.com/w/page/5268731/FrontPage
Add a learning-oriented virtual world here:
Travel to this virtual island to learn building:
Item Number[]
Global ID and Multiple IDs - see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/New_sites_system
Bar code
Learning Networking[]
Teach and Learn using free Social Networking software to share what courses, etc., you find edifying, what you enjoy learning ....
About Me - World University and School -
Academia.edu's World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.academia.edu/
Delicious.com's World University and School - http://www.delicious.com/WorldUniversityandSchool
Facebook.com's World University and School - http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=48753608141 ('This group may be archived').
Good Reads - http://www.goodreads.com/group/show/99021-worlduniversityandschool
Google + Profiles - worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com - Scott MacLeod - https://plus.google.com/115890623333932577910/
Google + Profiles Company page - worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com - World University and School - https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108179352492243955816/108179352492243955816/posts
Google Groups' World University and School - http://groups.google.com/group/World-University-and-School
LinkedIn's World University and School - http://www.linkedin.com/groups/World-University-School-4024337
Quora - http://www.quora.com/
Research Gate - http://www.researchgate.net/
Redditt.com's World University and School - http://www.reddit.com/user/WorldUnivandSch/
Tribe.net's World University and School - http://tribes.tribe.net/worlduniversityandschool
Twitter.com's World University and School - http://twitter.com/WorldUnivandSch
Wer Kennt Wen - World University and School - http://www.wer-kennt-wen.de/
World University & School 'subject page' group
World University & School Share This
Yahoo Groups' World University and School: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlduniversityandschool/
Linked Open Data[]
Linked Open Data, Linked Data for artificial intelligence and machine learning, with a focus on privacy and security.
List of Wikipedias[]
List of Wikipedias. 2015. List of Wikipedias. meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias .
RSS Feed[]
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TV-Live Broadcasting[]
Broadcast to television
Teach and learn using free TV-Live Broadcasting software to the web:
Google + Hangouts - https://plus.google.com/hangouts
Justin TV - http://www.justin.tv
Livestream TV - http://www.livestream.com
MIT UnHangouts - https://unhangout.media.mit.edu/
Ustream TV - http://ustream.tv
Video Communication[]
Teach and learn using free TV-Live Broadcasting software
Free video conferencing
iChat - http://www.apple.com/macosx/what-is-macosx/ichat.html
Skype - http://www.skype.com/
Free, group video conferencing
AnyMeeting - http://anymeeting.com/homepage/
Google + Hangout - https://tools.google.com/dlpage/hangoutplugin - http://www.google.com/+/learnmore/hangouts/
Meeting Burner - http://www.meetingburner.com/index?page=signup-v2 – up to 15 connection
ooVoo - http://www.oovoo.com/home.aspx
Paltalk - http://www.paltalk.com
sifonr - free communication - http://www.sifonr.com/
Tokbox | OpenTok - API - http://tokbox.com/opentok
Vyew - http://vyew.com/
Web Huddle - https://www.webhuddle.com/homepage.jsp - http://sourceforge.net/projects/webhuddle/
Zoom.us - Cloud HD Video Meetings - http://zoom.us/
Universal Translator at WUaS[]
Google Translate language:
Sugar Labs: Translation System language:
Select Translators
Babelxl. 2015. Babelxl: the best translator. http://babelxl.com/ .
Babylon Online Translation. 2015. Babylon Online Translation. (Offering hundreds of dictionaries and translation in more than 800 language pairs). translation.babylon.com/ .
Free-translator.com. 2015. Free-translator.com. free-translator.com/ .
Google Translate. 2015. Google Translate. translate.google.com/ .
SDL Free Translation. 2015. SDL Free Translation. freetranslation.com/ .
Word Lingo Free Translation Tools. 2015. Word Lingo Free Translation Tools and Machine Translation Products. worldlingo.com/en/products/ .
Select Video with Subtitles for Translation
Amara.org. 2015. Amara.org: Captions, subtitles, and translations simplified. (Amara makes video globally accessible: Captions, subtitles, and translations simplified). amara.org/en/
TED Open Translation Project. 2015. TED Open Translation Project. (See - https://www.ted.com/about/programs-initiatives/ted-open-translation-project - and - https://www.ted.com/participate/translate/get-started). ted.com/about/programs-initiatives/ted-open-translation-project .
The "Universitian" Newspaper at World University and School[]
The "Universitian" Newspaper at WUaS
Wiki Software for Courses[]
Media Wiki - http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki
PB Works - http://pbworks.com/
Wet Paint - http://wikisineducation.wikifoundry.com/
Wikia - http://www.wikia.com/Wikia
Wikispaces - http://www.wikispaces.com/
Wikidata / Bots[]
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World University and School - like Wikipedia with Greatest Universities' OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit effective April 2010 and is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, educational organization charity.
World University & School is a community of learners and teachers who value — and are themselves strengthened by — the rich diversity of its participants. In order to cultivate a flourishing teaching, learning and creating conversation in a diverse and complex world, WUaS welcomes all languages, students, families, faculty, board members, and staff with differences based on (but not limited to) race, color, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, family structure, and economic background.
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